Dr Zhu Zhu

Dr Zhu Zhu
Dr Zhu Zhu
Dr Zhu Zhu



As a Lecturer in Translation and Language Acquisition at the vibrant School of Language, Literature, Music, and Visual Culture, my work is firmly rooted in Translation Studies, merging academic theory with practical application.

I coordinate and teach within the undergraduate programme of Modern Languages and Translation & Interpreting Studies and contribute to postgraduate programmes, including MSc in Translation Studies and MSc in Translation and Interpreting Studies. My role also involves supervising PhD candidates in their research within the field.

Before joining Aberdeen in 2020, I directed Chinese language programmes at the University of Edinburgh (2007-2017) and the University of Leeds (2017-2020), where I developed my skills in Chinese language pedagogy and teacher training. These experiences have significantly enriched my approach to teaching and research in translation studies.

My research primarily focuses on the translation competence of L2 Chinese learners, historical translation movements in China, and the Victorian-era translation of Chinese literature. Complementing my research pursuits, I actively engage in translation work, having translated a number of books into Chinese for publication in China. This involvement not only maintains my connection to practical translation but also actively promotes cultural exchange through literature.