Dr William Jackson

Dr William Jackson
Dr William Jackson
Dr William Jackson

Bcom PhD Edin, PGCAP, FHEA

Senior Lecturer

Email Address
Telephone Number
+44 (0)1224 273147
Office Address

Room 709 MacRobert Building 

Business School


Dr. Bill Jackson is currently Deputy Dean of the University of Aberdeen Business School and Head of the Department of Accountancy, Finance and Real Estate.

Previously Bill had a position at Heriot-Watt University where he held positions as Head of Department of Accountancy, Economics and Finance, Director of Learning and Teaching, Director of Internationalisation and Deputy Head of the School of Social Science. Before that he held a teaching and research fellowship at the University of Edinburgh, from which institution he also was awarded a PhD. 

Bill specialises in the teaching of management accounting and accounting history which he has delivered both in the UK and internationally.  

Bill's research is mainly in the history and practice of accounting in public services, particularly health care. His research has been published in a range of international and world leading journals and has attracted prizes from leading journals. Major projects include Histories of Accounting and Health Care and Accounting for Social Impact, with the World Health Organisation as a current focus of interest.

Internal Memberships

Deputy Dean of Business School

Head of Department of Accountancy, Finance and Real Estate

Member of the Business School Executive Committee

Member of the School Internationalisation Committee


Page 3 of 5 Results 21 to 30 of 46

  • Measuring technology readiness for investment: accelerating technology development and improving innovation performance

    Adam, G., Andrews, K. P., Armstrong, M., Bititci, U. S., Flinn, P., Jackson, W. J., Mayfield, A., Peters, T., Pfefferkorn, T., Ritchie, J. M.
    40 pages
    Books and Reports: Other Reports
  • Ethics, Moral Philosophy and Accounting and Finance Research

    Paterson, A., Leung, D., Jackson, W.
    Research Methods for Accounting and Finance. Paterson, A., Leung, D., Jackson, W., MacIntosh, R., O'Gorman, D. D. (eds.). Goodfellow Publishers, pp. 211-238, 28 pages
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
  • Research Methods for Accounting and Finance

    Paterson, A. (ed.), Leung, D., Jackson, W. (ed.), MacIntosh, R. (ed.), O'Gorman, K. D. (ed.)
    Goodfellow Publishers, Oxford. 256 pages
    Books and Reports: Books
  • The Nature of Accounting and Finance Research

    Paterson, A., Jackson, W., Sherif, M., MacIntosh, R., Caldwell, N.
    Research Methods for Accounting and Finance. Paterson, A., Leung, D., Jackson, W., MacIntosh, R., O'Gorman, K. D. (eds.). Goodfellow Publishers, 22 pages
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
  • Control, temporary organisations and the accounting complex: evidence from record production projects during the 1960s

    Jubb, D., Jackson, W. J., Paisey, N. J.
    Contributions to Conferences: Papers
  • Fertile ground: The history of accounting in hospitals

    Gebreiter, F., Jackson, W. J.
    Accounting History Review, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 177-182
    Contributions to Journals: Editorials
  • A Power and Subjectification Perspective on Managing Control of Capital Expenditures: A Case Study of Indonesian Local Governments

    Alexander, A., Paterson, A. S., Jackson, W. J.
    Contributions to Conferences: Papers
  • Cash Limits, Hospital Prescribing and Shrinking Medical Jurisdiction

    Jackson, W. J., Paterson, A. S., Pong, C. K. M., Scarparo, S.
    Financial Accountability and Management, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 403-429
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Accounting for war risk costs: management accounting change at Guinness during the First World War

    Quinn, M., Jackson, W. J.
    Accounting History Review, vol. 24, no. 2-3, pp. 191-209
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • The social consequences of using formularies as a prescribing control

    Paterson, A. S., Jackson, W. J., Jacobs, K.
    Contributions to Conferences: Papers
Show 10 | 25 | 50 | 100 results per page


Books and Reports

Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings

Contributions to Conferences

Contributions to Journals

Working Papers