Mrs Stephanie O'Reilly

Mrs Stephanie O'Reilly
Mrs Stephanie O'Reilly
Mrs Stephanie O'Reilly


Email Address
School of Education



Programme Director of the MEd in Health and Wellbeing Education, University of Aberdeen - 2023 - 

Programme Director of the MEd in Guidance, Pastoral Care and Pupil Support, University of Aberdeen - 2021-2023

Lecturer (Scholarship), Social Studies, University of Aberdeen - 2020-

Teacher of Modern Studies, History and Politics, Aberdeenshire - 2017-2020

Teacher of Modern Studies and History, Moray - 2016-2017

Teacher of Modern Studies, History and Politics, Dundee - 2010-2016



MEd (with Distinction) in Pastoral Care, Guidance and Pupil Support, University of Aberdeen - 2019-2022

BA Honours (1st Class) in Professional Education (with History and Politics), University of Stirling - 2006-2010



Mynott, J.P. and O'Reilly, S., (2023). Analysing and Facilitating Collaboration in Online Lesson Study. In: R. Huang, N. Helgevold, J. Lang and H. Jiang (eds)., Teacher Professional Learning Through Lesson Study in Virtual and Hybrid Environments. UK: Routledge.  

Holden, M., O'Reilly, S. and Mynott, J.P., (2023). 'Facilitation of Trialogic Spaces: Reflections from Irish and Scottish Online Lesson Studies. Research in Teacher Education, 13(1), pp. 7-12. 

Mynott, J.P. and O'Reilly, S.E.M. (2022). 'Establishing a Lesson Study Collaboration Matrix', International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies,11(3), pp 174-192.

Cooney, F., Hughes, G., Kelly, P. and O'Reilly, S., (2020) Higher Modern Studies: International Issues. Second Edition. Edinburgh: Hodder Gibson. 

Cooney, F., Hannah, K., McGinty, M.C. and O'Reilly, S., (2019) How to Pass Higher Modern Studies: Second Edition. Edinburgh: Hodder Gibson.

Cooney, F., Hughes, G., Kelly, P. and O'Reilly, S (2015) Higher Modern Studies: International Issues. Edinburgh: Hodder Gibson.  

Cooney, F., McGinty, M.C. and O'Reilly, S., (2015) How to Pass Higher Modern Studies: First Edition. Edinburgh: Hodder Gibson.