Research Fellow
- About
- Email Address
- sheela.tripathee@abdn.ac.uk
- Telephone Number
- +44 (0)1224 438127
- Office Address
Academic Urology Unit
Health Sciences Building (2nd Floor)
University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen AB25 2ZD
Tel: +44 (0)1224 438127
Email: sheela.tripathee@abdn.ac.uk- School/Department
- School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition
Dr Sheela Tripathee is a Research fellow at the Academic Urology Unit at University of Aberdeen. Sheela joined AUU in January 2019. She has previously worked at University of Dundee and the Rockefeller University New York.
Sheela's current research focus is on how clinical trials, health systems and context impact health behaviour change and health outcome.
Sheela has expertise in qualitative methods and evidence synthesis. Her previous work focused on review of health policies, and effectiveness of health interventions. She has collaborated with universities and institutions across the UK, Europe, USA, Canada, India and Nepal. She advocates patient and public involvement in health research, policy and care.
2009 - 2014 University of Dundee, College of medicine dentistry and nursing, UK
2007 - 2008 The Rockefeller University, New York, USA
2006 - 2007 ABC News, New York, USA
Sheela is interested in supervising Masters/PhD projects related to health behaviour change, global health, cancer care, health systems research, urology, nutrition, physical activity, and overweight/obesity.
- PhD (Funded by Medical Reasearch Council, UK) Health Sciences2018 - University of Glasgow
- MRes Public Health2014 - University of Dundee, UK
- BA (Hons, Dean's list) Media Studies2007 - City University of New York, USA
External Memberships
European Association of Urology (EAU)
The International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA)
Latest Publications
CATHETER II, a randomised controlled trial comparing the clinical and cost effectiveness of various washout policies versus no washout policy in preventing catheter associated complications in adults living with long term catheters
European Association of Urology Annual Congress 2025, pp. A0090Contributions to Conferences: AbstractsICANEQUAL multi-stakeholder partnership: Reducing inequalities in liver cancer (HCC) diagnosis, treatment and care across the UK
NIHR Open Research, vol. 5, no. 5Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.3310/nihropenres.13723.1
CATHETER II: a randomised controlled trial comparing the clinical and cost effectiveness of various washout policies versus no washout policy in preventing catheter associated complications in adults living with long term catheters
BMJ Open, vol. 14, no. 12, e087203Contributions to Journals: ArticlesWeb-based interventions for fear of cancer recurrence: a scoping review with a focus on suggestions for the development and evaluation of future interventions
PloS ONE, vol. 19, no. 11, e0312769Contributions to Journals: ArticlesCATHETER II, a randomised controlled trial comparing the clinical and cost effectiveness of various washout policies versus no washout policy in preventing catheter associated complications in adults living with long term catheters
The International Continence SocietyContributions to Conferences: Posters- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cont.2024.101602
- Research
Research Overview
Research Interests
Health inequality, Cancer care, Global health, Behaviour change, Health service policies, Qualitative studies embedded within RCT
Family/couple context, Weight loss, Dietary practices, Physical activity
Current Research
An overview of current projects:
Stakeholder engagement in the design and implementation of cancer care:
- ICANEQUAL – Reducing inequalities in treatment allocation and cancer care for those diagnosed with liver cancer
- PIONEER – Enhancing prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment through the power of big data in Europe; exploring treatment outcomes that matter most to patients with advanced prostate cancer in order to inform the development of prostate cancer Core Outcome Sets. https://prostate-pioneer.eu/
- ICANTREAT Nepal (Lead) – Increasing participation in breast cancer screening and treatment in Nepal ICANTREAT Nepal aims to create a firm foundation of knowledge and data in cancer care in Nepal through data audit and stakeholders engagement. Improving Cancer Care & Treatment • I Can Treat
The design and delivery of care and after care - Urology and other long-term conditions
- SIMS LTFU – Surgical management of female stress urinary incontinence; embedded qualitative study exploring patients outcome and perceptions.
5. CATHETER II – Understanding the patient experience of care; embedded qualitative study within a clinical trial exploring patients’ experience of living with long-term catheter and various catheter washout policies, and health care professionals' perception of ‘Catheter II’ trial delivery and outcomes. CatheterII (abdn.ac.uk)
The design and implementation of better cancer care
- Renal Cancer Core Outcome Sets (R-COS) (Co-applicant) – Core Outcome Sets (COS) for localised, locally advanced, and metastatic stages of kidney cancer. The COMET registration, giving full study details is accessible here: https://www.comet-initiative.org/studies/details/1406
Funding and Grants
S Maclennan (PI), Tripathee S (co-applicant) (2021). NHS Grampian, Endowment Research Grant
Tripathee S (PI) (2020). University of Aberdeen, GCRF Pump-priming grant
Maclennan S (PI), Tripathee S (co-applicant) (2019). University of Aberdeen, ISSF International Partnership Award
Tripathee S (2016) University of Glasgow, Principal’s Early Career Mobility Fund
Tripathee S (2014) Medical Research Council UK, PhD Studentship
Turner S, Tripathee S (co-applicant) (2012). General Dental Council, Evidence Review Grant
- Teaching
Teaching Responsibilities
Course Coordinator PU5040: Health, Well-being and Behaviour Change
Non-course Teaching Responsibilities
Post graduate research supervision.
- Publications
Page 1 of 3 Results 1 to 10 of 28
CATHETER II, a randomised controlled trial comparing the clinical and cost effectiveness of various washout policies versus no washout policy in preventing catheter associated complications in adults living with long term catheters
European Association of Urology Annual Congress 2025, pp. A0090Contributions to Conferences: AbstractsICANEQUAL multi-stakeholder partnership: Reducing inequalities in liver cancer (HCC) diagnosis, treatment and care across the UK
NIHR Open Research, vol. 5, no. 5Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.3310/nihropenres.13723.1
CATHETER II: a randomised controlled trial comparing the clinical and cost effectiveness of various washout policies versus no washout policy in preventing catheter associated complications in adults living with long term catheters
BMJ Open, vol. 14, no. 12, e087203Contributions to Journals: ArticlesWeb-based interventions for fear of cancer recurrence: a scoping review with a focus on suggestions for the development and evaluation of future interventions
PloS ONE, vol. 19, no. 11, e0312769Contributions to Journals: ArticlesCATHETER II, a randomised controlled trial comparing the clinical and cost effectiveness of various washout policies versus no washout policy in preventing catheter associated complications in adults living with long term catheters
The International Continence SocietyContributions to Conferences: Posters- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cont.2024.101602
RCT comparing the clinical and cost effectiveness of various catheter washout policies
RCOG World Congress 2024Contributions to Conferences: PostersPatient and health care professionals’ perception of weekly prophylactic catheter washout in adults living with long-term catheters: Qualitative Study of the CATHETER II Trial
RCOG World Congress 2024, pp. 171Contributions to Journals: Abstracts- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/1471-0528.17946
- [ONLINE] Conference Poster
Patient and health care professionals’ perception of weekly prophylactic catheter washout in adults living with long-term catheters: Qualitative Study of the CATHETER II Trial
The International Continence SocietyContributions to Conferences: PostersStandardising Patient-Reported Outcomes in Prostate Cancer: Insights from the PIONEER Consortium
ISOQOL 2024Contributions to Conferences: AbstractsThe role of Hospital-Based Cancer Registries (HBCRs) as information systems in the delivery of evidence-based integrated cancer care: a scoping review
Health System, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 177-191Contributions to Journals: Articles