Dr Suzanne Breeman

Dr Suzanne Breeman
Dr Suzanne Breeman
Dr Suzanne Breeman

Trial Manager

Email Address
Telephone Number
+44 (0)1224 438169
Office Address

Health Services Research Unit (HSRU)
3rd Floor, Health Sciences Building
University of Aberdeen
AB25 2ZD

School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition


I joined HSRU in October 2007 as a Trial Manager and work as the Lead Trial Manager on the following trials:

KAT: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial to assess four developments in knee replacement surgery

PROSPECT:  a multi-centre randomised controlled trial to measure the clinical and cost-effectiveness of surgical options for the management of anterior and/or posterior vaginal wall prolapse. 

FUTURE: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of invasive urodynamic investigations in the managment of women with refractory overactive bladder symptoms

REGAL: multi-centre randomised controlled trial to evaluate the clinical and cost-effectiveness of long-term use of Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone Analogues (GnRHa) with add-back hormone replacement therapy (HRT) as an alternative treatment to further laparoscopic surgery in women who present with recurrence of pain following previous surgery for endometriosis but wish to retain their fertility.

I am a member of the North of Scotland Research Ethics Committee and faculty member on the Edinburgh Clinical Trial Management course (ECTMC).

I graduated with a BSc in Biochemistry (1994), a PhD in Molecular Biology (1998) and an MSc in Public Health and Health Services Research ()

Prior to joining the HSRU I worked for a biotechnology company called Auvation Limited as a Senior Scientist. 



  • BSc Biochemistry 
    1994 - University of Aberdeen 
  • PhD Molecular Biology 
    1998 - University of Aberdeen 
  • MSc Public Health and Health Services Research 
    2010 - University of Aberdeen 

Research Overview

Trial management and trial methodology

Current Research

I am currently the Lead Trial Manager on the following trials:

KAT: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial to assess four developments in knee replacement surgery

PROSPECT:  a multi-centre randomised controlled trial to measure the clinical and cost-effectiveness of surgical options for the management of anterior and/or posterior vaginal wall prolapse 

FUTURE: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of invasive urodynamic investigations in the managment of women with refractory overactive bladder symptoms

REGAL: multi-centre randomised controlled trial to evaluate the clinical and cost-effectiveness of long-term use of Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone Analogues (GnRHa) with add-back hormone replacement therapy (HRT) as an alternative treatment to further laparoscopic surgery in women who present with recurrence of pain following previous surgery for endometriosis but wish to retain their fertility

Past Research

Since joining the Unit I have worked on a number of trials that have now completed:

HEALTH: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial comparing the clinical and cost effectiveness of laparoscopic supra-cervical hysterectomy (LASH) with second generation endometrial ablation (EA)

UKUFF: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial to measure the clinical and cost effectiveness of different types of management of rotator cuff repairs

PRaCTICaL: a randomised controlled trial comparing a nurse-led ICU follow-up programme versus standard care


Non-course Teaching Responsibilities

Outwith the University, I am a faculty member on the Edinburgh Clinical Trial Management Course (ECTMC)


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