After obtaining a PhD at the Trinity College of Dublin with a thesis on the potential of bioenergy crop Miscanthus to sequester carbon in the soil, I joined the Environmental Modelling Group at the University of Aberdeen as a Post-doctoral Researcher. My research interests involve investigating how carbon storage in soils will be altered by land use change to bioenergy plantations and in partitioning soil into fractionations that match theoretical pools in soil C models.
My main areas of expertise are in modelling greenhouse gas / carbon mitigation and mechanisms regulating soil carbon sequestration.
How does management affect soil C sequestration and greenhouse gas fluxes in boreal and temperate forests?: A review
Makipaa, R., Abramoff, R., Adamczyk, B., Baldy, V., Biryol, C., Bosela, M., Casals, P., Yuste, J. C., Dondini, M., Filipek, S., Garcia-Pausas, J., Gros, R., Gomoryova, E., Hashimoto, S., Hassegawa, M., Immonen, P., Laiho, R., Li, H., Li, Q., Luyssaert, S., Menival, C., Mori, T., Naudts, K., Santonja, M., Smolander, A., Toriyama, J., Tupek, B., Ubeda, X., Verkerk, P. J., Lehtonen, A.
Management-induced changes in soil organic carbon on global croplands
Karstens, K., Bodirsky, B. L., Dietrich, J. P., Dondini, M., Heinke, J., Kuhnert, M., Mueller, C., Rolinski, S., Smith, P., Weindl, I., Lotze-Campen, H., Popp, A.
Soil Science Challenges in a New Era: A Transdisciplinary Overview of Relevant Topics
Rodrigo-Comino, J., López-Vicente, M., Kumar, V., Rodríguez-Seijo, A., Valkó, O., Rojas, C., Pourghasemi, H. R., Salvati, L., Bakr, N., Vaudour, E., Brevik, E. C., Radziemska, M., Pulido, M., Di Prima, S., Dondini, M., de Vries, W., Santos, E. S., Mendonça-Santos, M. d. L., Yu, Y., Panagos, P.
Changes in soil organic carbon under perennial crops
Ledo, A., Smith, P., Zerihun, A., Whitaker, J., Vicente-Vicente, J. L., Qin, Z., McNamara, N. P., Zinn, Y. L., Llorente, M., Liebig, M., Kuhnert, M., Dondini, M., Don, A., Diaz-Pines, E., Datta, A., Bakka, H., Aguilera, E., Hillier, J.
Global Change Biology, vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 4158-4168
Characterising the biophysical, economic and social impacts of soil carbon sequestration as a greenhouse gas removal technology
Sykes, A. J., MacLeod, M., Eory, V., Rees, R. M., Payen, F., Myrgiotis, V., Williams, M., Sohi, S., Hillier, J., Moran, D., Manning, D. A. C., Goglio, P., Seghetta, M., Williams, A., Harris, J., Dondini, M., Walton, J., House, J., Smith, P.
Global Change Biology, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 1085-1108
Towards more predictive and interdisciplinary climate change ecosystem experiments
Rineau, F., Malina, R., Beenaerts, N., Arnauts, N., Bardgett, R. D., Berg, M. P., Boerema, A., Bruckers, L., Clerinx, J., Davin, E. L., De Boeck, H. J., De Dobbelaer, T., Dondini, M., De Laender, F., Ellers, J., Franken, O., Gilbert, L., Gudmundsson, L., Janssens, I. A., Johnson, D., Lizin, S., Longdoz, B., Meire, P., Meremans, D., Milbau, A., Moretti, M., Nijs, I., Nobel, A., Pop, I. S., Puetz, T., Reyns, W., Roy, J., Schuetz, J., Seneviratne, S. I., Smith, P., Solmi, F., Staes, J., Thiery, W., Thijs, S., Vanderkelen, I., Van Landuyt, W., Verbruggen, E., Witters, N., Zscheischler, J., Vangronsveld, J.
A global, empirical, harmonised dataset of soil organic carbon changes under perennial crops
Ledo, A., Hillier, J., Smith, P., Aguilera, E., Blagodatskiy, S., Brearley, F. Q., Datta, A., Diaz-Pines, E., Don, A., Dondini, M., Dunn, J., Feliciano, D., Lang, R., Liebig, M. A., Llorente, M., Zinn, Y. L., McNamara, N., Ogle, S. M., Qin, Z., Rovira, P., Rowe, R., Vicente-Vicente, J. L., Whitaker, J., Yue, Q., Zerihun, A.