BSc (Hons), PhD
Advanced Research Fellow
- Email Address
- Telephone Number
- +44 (0)1224 438148
- Office Address
Health Services Research Unit (HSRU)
2nd Floor, Health Sciences Building
Aberdeen AB25 2ZD
- School/Department
- School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition
I joined the Health Services Research Unit in 2017, following three years as a post-doctoral research fellow of the Science without Borders Programme for Young Talent Attraction (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil) and before that, six months as an honorary research fellow at the George Institute for Global Health (University of Sydney). I am interested in improving and evaluating healthcare improvement, particularly for medically underserved populations with complex healthcare needs. A significant focus of my work has been the use of asynchronous technology and data-driven innovation.
Public involvement is at the heart of my research activities. I have been leading patient and public involvement (PPI) since 2020, initially as a part of the Networked Data Lab initiative and then beginning in November 2022 as the PPIE research fellow for HSRU.
- PhD Primary Care and Health Sciences2013 - Keele UniversityPhD entitled - Depression and anxiety coexisting with osteoarthritis in primary care: from recognition to management
- BSc Neuropsychology2009 - University of Central Lancashire
- HND Counselling2005 - University of Szczecin
Memberships and Affiliations
Member of the SMMSN Patient & Public (PPI) Working Group
Member of the Open Science University Network
GRAM Innovation Hub's mental health working group
- UK Implementation Society member
- Global Implementation Society member
- Member of the Working Party for Mental Health of WONCA (World Organisation of Family Doctors)
- A capacity-building partnership between the HSRU and the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil), campus Ribeirao Preto, focusing on healthcare system improvement using digital technology and data science.
Prizes and Awards
- 2023 Principal's Prize for Research and Engagement: Public Engagement with Research: Main Award
- "Understanding digital appointment inequalities in NHS Grampian: exploring digital exclusion and identifying solutions to address it with our rural and urban communities" - NHS Endowment Research Grant - £11,954.95 (award prize, lead applicant)
- "How to involve the public in health data-intensive research" - Internal Funding to Pump-Prime Interdisciplinary Research and Impact" - £7,700 (award prize, lead applicant)
- "Brazil-UK partnership for development, improvement and implementation of integrated person-centred care in health systems" - GCRF-IPPF application Round 5 - £10,000 (award prize, lead applicant)
Research Overview
Implementation research refers to the scientific inquiry conducted to understand and improve the processes involved in adopting, integrating, and scaling up evidence-based interventions or programs within real-world settings. The primary objective of implementation research is to generate knowledge and evidence about how interventions can be effectively implemented, tailored and adapted to specific contexts or populations. It goes beyond the efficacy or effectiveness of interventions to explore the complexities of real-world implementation, including organisational, social, cultural, and policy factors that influence implementation outcomes.
As an implementation researcher, I focus on addressing complex health problems that disproportionately affect underserved populations, such as people with kidney disease, taking into account the social and psychological determinants involved. Broadly speaking, my work includes two types of research inquiries:
develop a more comprehensive understanding of the problem, plus possible ways to address it, by integrating disciplinary and stakeholder perspectives, and
support implementation of that understanding into evidence-informed government policy, professional and community practice, innovation (social and technological) and other measures.
My primary interest is equity-focused implementation research. With a foundation rooted in both my extensive research experience with underserved populations and my personal journey as an ethnic minority in the UK, social mobility achiever and neurodivergent person, my passion lies in addressing power imbalances, promoting meaningful stakeholder engagement, and fostering social justice. By exploring strategies to overcome disparities and promote equal access to resources and opportunities, my research aims to create inclusive societies and advance the well-being of marginalised communities. Through a multidisciplinary approach, I seek to identify effective methods and approaches that empower individuals and communities, promote their agency, and ultimately drive sustainable positive change.
Research Areas
Accepting PhDs
I am currently accepting PhDs in Applied Health Sciences.
Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your research ideas further.
Research Specialisms
- Healthcare Science
- Applied Science
- Health Studies
Our research specialisms are based on the Higher Education Classification of Subjects (HECoS) which is HESA open data, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.
Current Research
- I am a co-investigator and a project researcher on the ACORN study (Asynchronous Consultation Research for the NHS), led by Prof Craig Ramsay and Louise Locock. This study examines an approach to adopting an asynchronous consultation system in NHS Grampian. The Health Foundation funds it. (December 2020 - present)
- I lead a Public and Patient Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) workstream at the NHS Grampian site of the NDL programme (the Networked Data Lab), led by Prof Corri Black from the Centre for Health Data Science, funded by the Health Foundation. This first of its kind network brings together analytical teams from across the UK nations to develop a deeper understanding of the factors affecting people's health in the UK. (July 2020- present)
- I lead an international research and knowledge exchange partnership between the HSRU and faculties of nursing and medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo (Brazil), on data-driven improvement and digital health (TRANSFORM partnership).
- I am a collaborator on the PREP-AI-R study (Prepare for the real-world evaluation of an artificial intelligent system for breast cancer screening: identify and assess stakeholders' needs), led by Prof Craig Ramsay. This study explores multi-stakeholders views on using artificial intelligence systems for breast cancer screening. The Innovate UK funded the study under the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF). This study is part of the ICAIRD (iCAIRD – Industrial Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research in Digital Diagnostics), a pan-Scotland collaboration of partners from across the industry, the NHS and academia. (March 2019- present)
- I co-supervise PhD student Shazia Yousouf, awarded Elphinstone Scholarship by the UoA-Institute of Applied Health Sciences, to optimise the responsible use of antibiotics.
Past Research
- I was a methodological advisor an Ayodeji Matuluko's PhD project, Glasgow Caledonian University, on the co-design and evaluation of theory-informed interventions to enhance antimicrobial stewardship in hospitals based in Scotland.
- DEEP NEURAL NETWORKS FOR FRACTURE LOCALISATION AND REPORTING, co-applicant, funded by the SBRI (Small Business Research Initiative) (July 2019- January 2020).
- "The Intensive Care Syndrome: Promoting Independence and Return to Employment (InS:PIRE) - Evaluation of the scaling up of a quality improvement initiative", lead research fellow, funded by The Health Foundation (May 2017- October 2018)
- JPIAMR behavioural approaches working group, contributor, funded by the Research Council of Norway (RCN) through the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR) under the fourth call 2016 (2016-2018).
- "Development and evaluation of the feasibility of collaborative care models to improve access and quality of care for Brazilian primary care patients with chronic medical conditions and concomitant depressive or anxiety disorders", fellowship, Programa Ciência sem Fronteiras- Atração de Jovens Talentos (Brasil) (2014-2017).
Knowledge Exchange
I am a PPI coordinator for the Health Services Research Unit.
I was a PPI lead for the Grampian Networked Data Lab (NDL).
University of Dundee; NIHR Health Protection Research Unit in Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infection; Imperial College London; City University, London; Ottawa Health Research Institute, Canada; University of Ottawa; Cochrane Germany, University of Freiberg; Ottawa Hospital, Canada; University of Toronto; Haukeland University Hospital and University of Bergen; University of Sao Paulo
My current supervision areas are: Applied Health Sciences.
Student project supervision:
University of Aberdeen:
- Honours: Medical Science Honours Project: Catarina Casella, 2019-20 (lead supervisor)
- MSc: PU5913 Research Projects in Applied Health Sciences:
- MSc Global Health and Management research project: Sarah Tait, 2019-20 (co-supervisor), Isla McLeod, 2019-20 (lead supervisor); Tina Chisenga, 2022 (lead supervisor)
- MSc Public Health: Yue Zhang, 2019-20 (lead supervisor)
- PhD: PhD candidate (Elphinstone PhD Scholarship) - Shazia Yousouf, ongoing (co-supervisor)
- MSc: Public Health Postgraduate Program (Ribeirão Preto Medical School, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil) - Camila Almeida de Oliveira (2020, co-supervisor); Natalia Ciapini Danellucci Degani (2022, co-supervisor)
Thesis examination:
- Internal examiner: PhD Candidate Hamad Alqattan ("Improving Patient Safety Culture in a Medical Care Setting in Kuwait: A Mixed Methods Study")
Funding and Grants
"Understanding digital appointment inequalities in NHS Grampian: exploring digital exclusion and identifying solutions to address it with our rural and urban communities" - NHS Endowment Research Grant - £11,954.95 (award prize, lead applicant)
"How to involve the public in health data-intensive research" - Internal Funding to Pump-Prime Interdisciplinary Research and Impact" - £7,700 (award prize, lead applicant)
"Reshaping secondary care consultations after COVID19: the role of asynchronous consultation methods" - Health Foundation - £203,04 + £49,36 (co-applicant)
"Supporting osteoporosis care: Can an automated classification system effectively case finding people at risk" - the Grampian Osteoporosis Trust - £87,814 (co-applicant)
"Supporting osteoporosis care: Can an automated classification system effectively case finding people at risk?" - NHSG Endowment Grant 2020 - £10,066 (co-applicant)
"Brazil-UK partnership for development, improvement and implementation of integrated person-centred care in health systems" - GCRF-IPPF application Round 5 - £10,000 (award prize, lead applicant)
"Deep Neural Networks for Fracture Localisation and Reporting" - SBRI & Innovate UK- £18,783 (co-applicant)
Teaching Responsibilities
- PU5039 Qualitative Health Research (unit coordinator)
- PU5031 Evidence Based Health (marking)
- PU5058 Introduction to Health Data Science (tutor)
- PU922 MSc Research Project (supervisor)
- MBChB Year 4 Student Selected Component (tutor)
- PU5528 Values and Ethics in Public Health (tutor)
- The original course - Future Learn: Utilising Social Science and Behaviour Change in Antimicrobial Stewardship Programmes: Improving Healthcare
Page 1 of 1 Results 1 to 44 of 44
Individual and neighborhood-level social and deprivation factors impact kidney health in the GLOMMS-CORE study
Sawhney, S., Atherton, I., Blakeman, T., Black, C., Cowan, E., Croucher, C., Fraser, S. D., Hughes, A., Nath, M., Nitsch, D., Scholes-Robertson, N., Rzewuska Diaz, M.Kidney International, vol. 106, no. 5, pp. 928-942Contributions to Journals: ArticlesMental health service use in children at risk of significant harm: A record linkage study of a child protection register
Ball, W. P., Anderson, C., Black, C., Gordon, S., Lackenby, M., Murchie, M., Ostrovska, B., O'Sullivan, K., Rowlands, H., Rzewuska Díaz, M., Butler, J. E.Social Science and Medicine, vol. 353, 117057Contributions to Journals: ArticlesImplementation of a Web-Based Outpatient Asynchronous Consultation Service: Mixed Methods Study
Rzewuska Diaz, M., Locock, L., Keen, A., Myhill, A., Ramsay, C.Journal of Medical Internet Research, vol. 26, pp. e48092Contributions to Journals: ArticlesA stakeholder analysis to prepare for real-world evaluation of integrating artificial intelligent algorithms into breast screening (PREP-AIR study): a qualitative study using the WHO guide
Newlands, R., Bruhn, H., Rzewuska Diaz, M., Lip, G., Anderson, L., Ramsay, C.BMC Health Services Research, vol. 24, no. 1, 569Contributions to Journals: ArticlesImplementation of a web-based asynchronous consultation service in a hospital in Northeast Scotland: a multi-method multi-lens assessment
Rzewuska Diaz, M., Locock, L., Keen, A., Melvin, M., Myhill, A., Ramsay, C.HSR UK Annual ConferenceContributions to Conferences: Posters- [OPEN ACCESS]
- [ONLINE] Link to Presentation
Care processes and outcomes of deprivation across the clinical course of kidney disease: Findings from a high-income country with universal healthcare
Sawhney, S., Blakeman, T., Blana, D., Boyers, D., Fluck, N., Nath, M., Methven, S., Rzewuska, M., Black, C.Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 1170-1182Contributions to Journals: ArticlesINTERMED’s reliability to assess health complexity in primary care: a Brazilian cross-section study
Almeida de Oliveira, C., Weber, B., Laredo de Camargo, L., Marque Balco, E., Arantes Barros, M., Zanetti, A. C. G., Lobo, E., Rzewuska, M., Mazzoncini de Azevedo-Marques, J.General Hospital Psychiatry, vol. 81, pp. 89-90Contributions to Journals: LettersInequalities in children's mental health care: analysis of routinely collected data on prescribing and referrals to secondary care
Ball, W. P., Black, C., Gordon, S., Ostrovska, B., Paranjothy, S., Rasalam, A., Ritchie, D., Rowlands, H., Rzewuska, M., Thompson, E., Wilde, K., Butler, J. E.BMC Psychiatry, vol. 23, no. 1, 22Contributions to Journals: ArticlesIdentification of outcomes reported for hospital antimicrobial stewardship interventions using a systematic review of reviews.
Yousuf, S., Rzewuska, M., Duncan, E., Ramsay, C.JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance, vol. 5, no. 1, dlac127Contributions to Journals: ArticlesInequalities in children's mental health care: analysis of routinely collected data on prescribing and referrals to secondary care
Ball, W., Black, C., Gordon, S., Ostrovska, B., Paranjothy, S., Rasalam, A., David, R., Rowlands, H., Rzewuska, M., Thompson, E., Wilde, K., Butler, J.Working Papers: Preprint PapersInequalities in children’s mental health prescribing and referrals for specialist mental health services
Ball, W., Rowlands, H., Black, C., Paranjothy, S., Rasalam, A., Ritchie, D., Rzewuska, M., Thompson, E., Wilde, K., Butler, J.Contributions to Journals: Conference ArticlesThe clinically extremely vulnerable to COVID: Identification and changes in healthcare while self-isolating (shielding) during the coronavirus pandemic
Butler, J., Nath, M., Blana, D., Ball, W., Beech, N., Black, C., Osler, G. H. R., Peytrignet, S., Rzewuska, M., Wilde, K., Wozniak, A., Sawhney, S.International Population Data Linkage Network Conference, 125Contributions to Journals: Abstracts“All about communication" - a perspective on our public involvement practices in the Networked Data Lab in Grampian
Rzewuska, M., Gordon, S., Ball, W., Butler, J.International Population Data Linkage Network Conference, 137Contributions to Journals: AbstractsPerspectives of staff adopting outpatient asynchronous consultations in NHS Grampian, Scotland
Rzewuska, M., Ramsay, C., Locock, L., Melvin, M., Myhill, A., MacKenzie, K., Keen, A.Contributions to Conferences: Oral PresentationsImproving children and young people’s mental health services: Local data insights from England, Scotland and Wales
Grimm, F., Alcock, B., Butler, J., Fernandez Crespo, R., Davies, A., Peytrignet, S., Piroddi, R., Thorlby, R., Tallack, C., Network Data Lab, Ball, W., Rowlands, H., Black, C., Paranjothy, S., Wilde, K., O'Sullivan, K., Lumsden, J., Rzewuska, M., Gordon, S., Ritchie, D. M., Thompson, E., Rasalam, A.Commissioned by The Health Foundation. London: The Health Foundation. 38 pagesBooks and Reports: Other ReportsHealth Complexity Assessment in Primary Care: a validity and feasibility study of the INTERMED tool
Almeida de Oliveira, C., Weber, B., Ferreira dos Santos, J. L., Lucindo Zucoloto, M., Laredo de Camargo, L., Zanetti, A. C. G., de Azevedo-Marques, J. M., Rzewuska, M.PloS ONE, vol. 17, no. 2, e0263702Contributions to Journals: ArticleseHealth tools and psychotic relapses: an integrative literature review
Santana da Silva, A. H., Amorim de Freitas, L., Graziani Giacchero Vedana, K., Rzewuska, M., Mazzoncini de Azevedo-Marques, J., Guidorizzi Zanetti, A. C.ICN Congress 2021Contributions to Conferences: PostersBriefing: Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on the clinically extremely vulnerable population
Hodgson, K., Butler, J., Davies, A., Houston, S., Marszalek, K., Peytrignet, S., Piroddi, R., Wood, F., Deeny, S., Network Data Lab, Ball, W., Black, C., Blana, D., Dymiter, J., Gordon, S., Lumsden, J., Martin, A., Nath, M., Rzewuska, M., Sawhney, S., Scheliga, B., Wilde, K., Wozniak, A.The Health Foundation. 32 pagesBooks and Reports: Other ReportsTwitter communication of the UK public on dental health and care during a COVID lockdown: "My kingdom for a dentist"
Rzewuska, M., Lamont, T. J., Banister, K., Gillies, K., Goulao, B., Locock, L., Nevin, G., Clarkson, J. E., Ramsay, C.Community Dental Health, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 1-7Contributions to Journals: ArticlesMental-physical multimorbidity treatment adherence challenges in Brazilian primary care: A qualitative study with patients and their healthcare providers
Rzewuska, M., Guidorizzi Zanetti, A. C., Skea, Z. C., Moscovici, L., Almeida de Oliveira, C., Mazzoncini de Azevedo-Marques, J.PloS ONE, vol. 16, no. 5, e0251320Contributions to Journals: ArticlesBarriers and facilitators to implementation of antibiotic stewardship programmes in hospitals in developed countries: insights from transnational studies
Rzewuska, M., Duncan, E., Francis, J. J., Morris, A. M., Suh, K. N., Davey, P. G., Grimshaw, J. M., Ramsay, C. R., The JPIAMR (Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance) Working Group on Behavioural Approaches to Antibiotic Stewardship ProgrammesFrontiers in Sociology, vol. 5, 41Contributions to Journals: ArticlesA behavioural approach to specifying interventions: what insights can be gained for the reporting and implementation of interventions to reduce antibiotic use in hospitals?
Duncan, E. M., Charani, E., Clarkson, J. E., Francis, J. J., Gillies, K., Grimshaw, J. M., Kern, W. V., Lorencatto, F., Marwick, C. A., McEwen, J., Möhler, R., Morris, A. M., Ramsay, C. R., Rogers Van Katwyk, S., Rzewuska, M., Skodvin, B., Smith, I., Suh, K. N., Davey, P. G.Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, vol. 75, no. 5, pp. 1338–1346Contributions to Journals: ArticlesSleep and Pain: A Systematic Review of Studies of Mediation
Whibley, D., Al Kandari, N., Kristensen, K., Barnish, M., Rzewuska, M., Druce, K. L., Tang, N. K. Y.The Clinical Journal of Pain, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 544-558Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
- [ONLINE] View publication in Mendeley
- [ONLINE] View publication in Scopus
Mechanisms between Sleep and Pain – What Do We Know from Studies of Mediation?
Whibley, D., AlKandari, N., Kristensen, K., Barnish, M., Rzewuska, M., Druce, K. L., Tang, N. K. Y.Journal of Pain, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. S19-S20Contributions to Journals: Abstracts- [ONLINE] DOI:
- [ONLINE] View publication in Mendeley
Prioritizing research areas for antibiotic stewardship programmes in hospitals: a behavioural perspective consensus paper
Rzewuska, M., Charani, E., Clarkson, J. E., Davey, P. G., Duncan, E. M., Francis, J. J., Gillies, K., Kern, W. V., Lorencatto, F., Marwick, C. A., McEwen, J., Möhler, R., Morris, A. M., Ramsay, C. R., Rogers Van Katwyk, S., Skodvin, B., Smith, I., Suh, K. N., Grimshaw, J. M., The JPIAMR (Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance) Working Group on Behavioural Approaches to Antibiotic Stewardship ProgrammesClinical Microbiology and Infection, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 163-168Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
- [ONLINE] View publication in Scopus
- [ONLINE] View publication in Mendeley
InS:PIRE - Evaluation of the scaling up of a quality improvement initiative: abridged report
Rzewuska, M., Morgan, H., Skea, Z., Norrie, J., Campbell, M.University of Aberdeen. 52 pagesBooks and Reports: Other ReportsEvaluation of scalability of an implementation programme
Rzewuska, M.Contributions to Conferences: Oral PresentationsEpidemiology of multimorbidity within the Brazilian adult general population: Evidence from the 2013 National Health Survey (PNS 2013)
Rzewuska, M., de Azevedo-Marques, J. M., Coxon, D., Zanetti, M. L., Zanetti, A. C. G., Franco, L. J., Santos, J. L. F.PloS ONE, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 1-13Contributions to Journals: ArticlesA web-based information system for a regional public mental healthcare service network in Brazil
Yoshiura, V. T., de Azevedo-Marques, J. M., Rzewuska, M., Vinci, A. L. T., Sasso, A. M., Miyoshi, N. S. B., Furegato, A. R. F., Rijo, R. P. C. L., Del-Ben, C. M., Alves, D.International Journal of Mental Health Systems , vol. 11, pp. 1-10Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Surgical options for lumbar spinal stenosis
Machado, G. C., Ferreira, P. H., Harris, I. A., Pinheiro, M. B., Koes, B. W., Rzewuska, M., Maher, C. G., Ferreira, M. L.Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, no. 11, CD012421Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Trajectories of Acute Low Back Pain: A Latent Class Growth Analysis
Downie, A. S., Hancock, M. J., Rzewuska, M., Williams, C. M., Lin, C. C., Maher, C. G.Pain, vol. 157, no. 1, pp. 225-234Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Diagnosis rate and management of depression within the Brazilian adult general population
de Azevedo-Marques, J. M., Rzewuska, M., Domenica, C.Worldwide Family Medicine Community ConferenceContributions to Conferences: AbstractsEpidemiology of multimorbidity of chronic noncommunicable diseases within the Brazilian adult general population: associations with demographic and lifestyle factors
Rzewuska, M., de Azevedo-Marques, J. M., Domenica, C., Zanetti, M. L., Zanetti, A. C. G., Franco, L. J., Santos, J. L. F.Worldwide Family Medicine Community ConferenceContributions to Conferences: PostersFrontline experiences of developing a feasible integrated model of care for chronic physical conditions and mental disorders in primary care: BRIng your Thoughts and Experiences
Rzewuska, M.Contributions to Conferences: Other ContributionsHow was your last health consultation? Experiences of adult patients in Brazil
Rzewuska, M., de Azevedo-Marques, J. M., Domenica, C., Santos, J. L. F.Worldwide Family Medicine Community ConferenceContributions to Conferences: AbstractsOne-year trajectories of depression and anxiety symptoms in older patients presenting in general practice with musculoskeletal pain: a latent class growth analysis
Rzewuska, M., Mallen, C. J., Strauss, V. S., Belcher, J., Peat, G.Journal of Psychosomatic Research, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 195-201Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
The efficacy of conservative treatment of osteoporotic compression fractures on acute pain relief: a systematic review with meta-analysis
Rzewuska, M., Ferreira, M. L., McLachlan, A. J., Machado, G. C., Maher, C. G.European Spine Journal, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 702-714Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Effectiveness of Surgery for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Machado, G. C., Harris, I. A., Pinheiro, M. B., Koes, B. W., van Tulder, M. W., Rzewuska, M., Maher, C. G., Ferreira, M. L.PloS ONE, vol. 10, no. 3, e0122800Contributions to Journals: ArticlesDecompression techniques in the management of lumbar spinal stenosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Rzewuska, M., Machado, G. C., Ferreira, P. H., Harris, I. A., Pinheiro, M. B., Koes, B. W., van Tulder, M. W., Maher, C. G., Ferreira, M. L.International Low Back Pain ForumContributions to Conferences: PostersThe efficacy of conservative treatment of acute vertebral compression fractures on pain relief: a systematic review
Rzewuska, M., Ferreira, M. L., Machado, G. C., Maher, C. G.International Low Back Pain ForumContributions to Conferences: PostersTrajectories of acute low back pain: latent class growth analysis
Downie, A. S., Hancock, M. J., Rzewuska, M., Lin, C. C., Maher, C. G.International Low Back Pain ForumContributions to Conferences: AbstractsThe Course of Comorbid Anxiety Symptoms in Patients Presenting to General Practice with Symptomatic Osteoarthritis: A Latent Class Growth Analysis
Rzewuska, M., Mallen, C. J., Strauss, V. S., Belcher, J., Peat, G.Annual Meeting of the British-Society-for-Rheumatology, pp. iii110-iii111Contributions to Journals: AbstractsA latent class growth analysis of anxiety symptoms in a longitudinal cohort of primary care patients with symptomatic osteoarthritis
Rzewuska, M., Mallen, C. J., Strauss, V. S., Belcher, J., Peat, G.Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference 2011Contributions to Conferences: PostersThe prevalence of comorbid depressive disorders and depression symptoms in adults with osteoarthritis and/or joint pain: systematic review and meta-analyses
Rzewuska, M., Mallen, C. J., Belcher, J., Nicholl, B., Benyon, K., Peat, G.Society for Academic Primary Care Annual Scientific MeetingContributions to Conferences: Abstracts