Clinical Chair in Gynaecology
- Office Address
Second Floor Aberdeen Maternity Hospital Foreserthill Aberdeen - UK AB25 2ZH
- School/Department
- School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition
Since 2008, I had a prestigious status of being a clinical academic in the field of Urogynaecology in the UK and accredited by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) as a Consultant Subspecialist Urogynaecologist.
In University of Aberdeen (UOA): I have established a portfolio of research for studying pelvic floor disorders in women. My research in this field is particularly important with the rise in the elderly population in the western world.
My research had a direct impact on women’s quality of life. I have led a number of systematic reviews and meta-analyses that identified gaps in the medical literature and conducted a number of multicentre randomised controlled trials (RCT) and cohort studies to address these gaps.
I have consistently been successful in the development and leading coherent collaborative research teams with excellent skill mix. Research teams under my leadership included: Key opinion leaders from all corners of the UK (Glasgow, Edinburgh, Bristol, Sheffield, Newcastle, Manchester, Southampton, Liverpool, London, and over 50 units in the UK); Excellent clinical trials unit; Health economists (Aberdeen/ Sheffield); and Qualitative researchers (Bristol/ Aberdeen)
I have consistently been successful in securing competitive large NIHR grants; I have raised over £9 million for funding my research being the CI on SIMS, FUTURE and CATHTER II and a grant co-holder on ANTIC & OPAL studies.
I have published many articles in peer-reviewed journals; A number of these are considered bench-mark evidence in the field. Further details in the research section and list of my publications can be viewed on my google scholar page http://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?hl=en&user=lSNjBS4AAAAJ&view_op=list_works
Teaching: I am the lead for the UoA MBChB Intercalating Degrees programme; this is an important program which is offered for higher achieving students. I have supervised a number of postgraduate students for obtaining higher degrees (PHD, M,Sc.) and have been an external examiner for postgraduate thesis. Undergraduate students appreciate my style of lectures; Year 3 students commented, in their formal feedback to the university, “another master piece from Dr. Abdel-fattah” and "Dr Abdel fattah's lecture on pelvic organ prolapse was excellent- he is a phenomenal lecturer!" I very much apprecite their comments and work to improve!
NHS: 50% of my job plan is honorary Consultant Gynaecologist and Subspecialist Urogynaecologist. I run the tertiary Urogynaecology referrals dealing with complex medical and surgical cases of female urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. I have introduced service improvements which have been recognised by NHS Grampian by multiple discretionary awards.
International Profile: I am regularly invited as guest/ keynote speaker in prestigious international conferences: European Association of Urology meeting (eau) 2020 - Amesterdam; Ain-Shams University Annual Women Health Conference 2020 - Cairo; Palestinien Red Crescent Women Health Conference 2019 - Jérusalem; RCOG -ERC Annual Meeting - Cairo 2019; International Urogynaecology Congress - Istanbul 2019 & 2018; Belgian Association of Urologists - Brussels 2018; Ain-shams University Annual Conference 2018 & 2019; Cairo University Annual Conference - 2019; RCOG World Conference – Birmingham 2016; University of Alexandria Annual Conference -2016 & 2018; European Association of Urology (eau) – Madrid 2015; Societie International d’Urologie (SIU) – Glasgow 2015; IUGA - Bali 2013 and IUGA – Singapore 2012. In-addition to several British Society of Urogynaecolgy (BSUG) Annual Scientifc Meetings and Surgical Masterclass Conferences.
In-addition, my surgical expertise has been well respected internationally. I have been invited as international expert to chair/ or as faculty in several surgical workshops 2011-2019.
In the UK, I am a member (or previous member) of various prestigious national funding bodies: Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Interventional Procedures Panel and the Women Wellbeing (WOW) Research Advisory Board, Editorial Board for the Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Journal (the official RCOG journal).
I am a founding member and a previous secretary/ chairman of the Scottish Pelvic Floor Network (SPFN); a multidisciplinary group of clinicians, academics and allied professionals with interest in female pelvic floor function.
In the past (None in the last 5years), I have been a speaker, consultant and/or surgical trainer for a number of industrial companies (Astellas, Ethicon, Bard, Pfizer, AMS, Coloplast, and others): I have been reimbursed my travel expenses; and on occasions received personal honorariums and sponsorship towards attending scientific conferences. Research grant from Coloplast managed by University of Aberdeen. Limited number of my trainees attended pharmaceutical sponsored educational/ leadership workshops and/or received assistance towards presenting their research work in scientific conferences. I have been previous chairman of the Scottish Pelvic Floor Network, which at the time received sponsorship by various industrial companies and fees to exhibit in annual meetings and surgical workshops.
Ongoing: I receive travel sponsorship and occasionally speaker‘s fees from numerous national and international conferences and non-profit organisations when invited as guest speaker and/or expert surgeon. In 2019, and at request from NHS Grampian, I attended 2 educational meetings for setting up sacral nerve stimulation service partially funded by Medtronic.
I do not hold (and never held) any shares (or similars) in any of the industrial companies (medical or non-medical). To the best of my knowledge, none of the above have influenced my research or clinical practice.
Research Overview
Summary of Research Activities and Impact
The main theme in my research portfolio has been the evaluation of diagnostic tests, conservative and surgical management of female stress urinary incontinence, overactive bladder and pelvic organ prolapse.
I have established and led an evaluative research in female pelvic floor dysfunction within the framework of research governance. I have led a number of systematic reviews and meta-analyses that identified gaps in the medical literature and conducted a number of multicentre randomised controlled trials (RCT) and cohort studies to address these gaps. My research has a direct impact on women’s quality of life, for example:
- My study in BJOG 2008 was the one of the first robust evidence that drew the attention of the medical community and the public to the rare but serious complications associated with transvaginal mesh in POP repair. The FDA published a series of statements which ended in reclassifying these devices to high risk and they were eventually suspended in the UK.
- The E-TOT article in BJOG 2017 is possibly the first long-term RCT evidence of chronic pain associated with this type of treatment.
- The latest clinical trial (ANTIC) have demonstrated the benefits of prophylactic low dose long-term antibiotics in reducing recurrent lower urinary tract infections in men and women undergoing intermittent self-catheterisation. The results of this trial will change the current relevant clinical guidelines and is anticipated to change clinical practice in the UK.
- I have conducted a series of interlinked projects that provided the most robust evidence on the long-term outcomes for transobturator tapes in the surgical management of women with stress urinary incontinence. My large retrospective cohort studies (BJOG and BJU) established the adverse events associated with the procedure while the E-TOT study provided a robust evidence on comapring the outcomes of 2 types of this procedure at 1,3 and 9-years follow-up.
- My epidemiology study in BMJOpen 2011 was possibly the first to establish the life-time risk of women in the UK to undergo surgical treatment for UI or POP.
I am one of the authors of the RCOG guideline for management of post-hysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse; a guideline that is read and implemented by ~70,000 members of the RCOG.
Current Research
- The CATHETER II study (NIHR Program - Chief Investigator): Randomised Controlled Trial CompAring THE Clinical And CosT-Effectiveness Of VaRious Washout Policies Versus No Washout Policy In Preventing Catheter Associated Complications In Adults Living With Long-Term Catheters.
- FUTURE RCT (NIHR Program – Chief Investigator): Female Urgency, Trial of Urodynamics as Routine Evaluation (FUTURE study); a superiority randomised clinical trial to evaluate the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of invasive urodynamic investigations in management of women with refractory overactive bladder symptoms– HTA Funded; May 2017 – 48month
- SIMS RCT (NIHR Program – Chief Investigator): Adjustable Anchored Single-Incision Mini-Slings Versus Standard Tension-Free Mid-Urethral Slings in the Surgical Management Of Female Stress Urinary Incontinence; A Pragmatic Multicentre Non– Inferiority Randomised Controlled Trial – HTA Funded; December 2013 – 66month
- OPAL RCT (NIHR Program – Co-grant holder & Principal Investigator): Multicentre randomised trial of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of basic versus intensive, biofeedback-assisted pelvic floor muscle training for female stress or mixed urinary incontinence (OPAL-Optimal PFMT for Adherence Long-term) - HTA Funded; September 2013 – 42 month
Innovation and Development In Progress:
- Home Continence Stress Test, A newly developed minimal invasive assessment tool for UI (this is a new test that I have developed to facilitate follow-up in clinical trials assessing interventions for UI).
Academic units: Sheffield University, Newcastle University Glasgow Caledonian University; Bristol University
Funding and Grants
NIHR - Chief Investigator - CATHETER II RCT:Randomised Controlled Trial CompAring THE Clinical And CosT-Effectiveness Of VaRious Washout Policies Versus No Washout Policy In Preventing Catheter Associated Compliations In Adults Living With Long-Term Catheters
NIHR - Chief Investigator - FUTURE Grant (HTA- Commissioned call 2016: 15/150/05) -Female Urgency, Trial of Urodynamics as Routine Evaluation (FUTURE study); a superiority randomised clinical trial to evaluate the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of invasive urodynamic investigations in management of women with refractory overactive bladder symptoms.
NIHR - Chief Investigator - SIMS Grant (HTA Open Call 2012: Ref: 12/127/157) – Adjustable Anchored Single-Incision Mini-Slings Versus Standard Tension-Free Mid-Urethral Slings in the Surgical Management Of Female Stress Urinary continence; A Pragmatic Multicentre Non–Inferiority Randomised Controlled Trial: The SIMS Trial.
NIHR - Co-grant Holder - ANTiC Grant (HTA Commissioned Call 2012: Ref: 11/72/01) - Antibiotic treatment for intermittent bladder catheterisation: A randomised controlled trial of once daily prophylaxis
NIHR - Co-grant Holder - OPAL Grant (HTA Commissioned Call 2012: Ref: 11/71/03) - Multicentre randomised trial of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of basic versus intensive, biofeedback-assisted pelvic floor muscle training for female stress or mixed urinary incontinence (OPAL-Optimal PFMT for Adherence Long-term).
Coloplast (Commercial Company) - Chief Investigator - Evaluation of Transobturator Tapes in the Management of Female Urodynamic Stress Incontinence.
Henry Smith Charity - Chief Investigator - Evaluation of Transobturator Tapes in the Management of Female Urodynamic Stress Incontinence (SI-TOT) Study
Daniel Turnberg Travel Fellowship
NHS Grampian Endowment -Chief Investigator - Evaluation of Transobturator Tapes in the Management of Female Urodynamic Stress Incontinence with and without an Associated Pelvic Organ Prolapse Repair”
NHS Grampian Endowment - Chief Investigator - Lifetime risk of surgery for pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence in parous women study.
UKCS - Chief Investigator - The Evaluation of Transobturator Tape with concomitant Prolapse Repair Study.
Physiotherapy Research Foundation Grant - Grant Co-Holder - Feasibility study of a Physiotherapist performing POP-Q in the evaluation of genital prolapse
Henry Smith Charity - CoI nvestigator - Evaluation of Transobturator Tapes in the Management of Female Urodynamic Stress Incontinence (E-TOT) Study
Teaching Responsibilities
Summary of Teaching Activities:
I a the lead for the UoA MBChB Intercalating Degrees programme; this is an important prestigious program which is offered for higher achieving students.
Up to 2019, I led the final year medical students’ surgical block in Obstetrics & Gynaecology (O&G; 12-20 students/ year) with sustained excellent feedback from students and tutors.
I co-supervised one PHD student who obtained her PHD through “University of Highlands and Islands (UHI) Rural Program”. She successfully completed her PHD in 2015.
I have supervised a number of students for M.Sc. and B.Sc..
As SPFN chair, I have co-organised the SPFN surgical cadaver workshop to teach postgraduate students and NHS trainees surgical anatomy of the pelvic floor.
Lead for MB BCh Intercalating Degrees:
In 2017, and following one year as the deputy lead for the UOA MB BCh Intercalating Degrees program, I have been asked by the head of the Institute of Higher Medical Education to lead this important and prestigious program.
In 2016, the inercalating team have been successful in significantly developing the intercalating program with the introduction of intercalating M.Sc. degrees for undergraduate students in UOA for the first time.
Lead for Year 5 Surgical Block in O&G:
2008- 2019, I led the Year 5 surgical block in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. I have developed the program to improve students’ experience; ensure equity of educational opportunities offered to students; rapid identification and dealing with potential difficulties that may rise during the course and ensure objective assessment at the end of block.
Year 3 & 4 Teaching
I lead the “urinary incontinence and female genital prolapse modules” in Year 3 teaching including delivering of the lectures and tutorials. I regularly receive excellent feedback from students regarding the online learning resources for pelvic floor disorders – students in 2017 and 2018 commented, in their formal feedback to the university, “another master piece from Dr. Abdel-fattah” and "Dr Abdel fattah's lecture on pelvic organ prolapse was excellent- he is a phenomenal lecturer!" I very much apprecite their comments and work to improve!
MB BCh Curriculum Steering Group (CSG):
I am a member of the CSG which meet regularly to oversee the undergraduate teaching program in all years (1-5) in Aberdeen and Inverness.
External Examiner:
I have been an external examiner for PHD and M.Sc. students.
During my current post I have previously supervised year-5 SpR(s) in their urodynamics and Urogynaecology ATSMs/ Benign Gynaecology ATSM for completion.