Research Overview
My current research project for this Kirby Laing fellowship explores the relationship between ritual law and human transformation in select Jewish texts from antiquity (Dead Sea Scrolls, Philo, the letters of Paul, and Hekhalot literature) and places them in dialogue with modern techno-scientific aspirations for radical human transformation (transhumanism) and the differential theo-ethical reactions to these aspirations. I am constructing an innovative interdisciplinary model which combines methods and concepts from ritual studies, theories of technology, and the history of science to facilitate a robust comparison between these ancient and modern discourses, while inquiring how these ancient Jewish texts might contribute to contemporary debates on transhumanism.
My interest in the variegated reception of law and ritual has come to expression in a couple articles on the gospel of Mark. I have published an article in Journal for the Study of the New Testament on the messianic construal of the Jubilee legislation in 11QMelchizedek and Mark's gospel, and I have an article forthcoming in New Testament Studies on the legal dispute over handwashing in Mark 7.1–23 that offers a new interpretation of the phrase 'purifying all foods' in Mark 7.19.