Dr Jon McCalmont

Dr Jon McCalmont
Dr Jon McCalmont
Dr Jon McCalmont

BSc, PhD

Research Fellow



After a career in forestry I studied Conservation and Land Management for a BSc as a mature student at Aberystwyth University. Following this, I completed a PhD in 2014 studying the greenhouse gas impacts of land-use change from grassland agriculture to 2nd generation perennial biomass cropping (Miscanthus). I remained at Aberystwyth as a PDRA for a further 4 years, working across several EU wide collaborative projects based around the commercial roll-out of sustainable energy crops. My research interests primarily focus on the environmental impacts of land-use change and in 2018 I expanded my research experience into South-East Asia, with a PDRF position at Exeter University measuring the carbon impacts of tropical peat forest conversion to oil palm plantation in Malaysian Borneo. I am currently working within the Environmental Modelling Group at Aberdeen University as part of the Netzero+ project, administered by Exeter University, which considers the potential for expansion of UK woodland to remove atmospheric carbon and mitigate climate change. 


  • PhD Biology 
    2014 - Aberystwyth University 

    Understanding greenhouse gas exchange and carbon dynamics following land-use change from grassland to perennial energy crops

  • BSc Countryside Management 
    2011 - Aberystwyth University 

    BSc (1st Class Hons) in conservation and land management


Research Specialisms

  • Atmospheric Physics
  • Environmental Biology
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Land Management

Our research specialisms are based on the Higher Education Classification of Subjects (HECoS) which is HESA open data, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.


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Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings

Contributions to Journals

Working Papers