Dr Iva Atanassova

Dr Iva Atanassova
Dr Iva Atanassova
Dr Iva Atanassova


Accepting PhDs

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Business School


Iva has 10+ years of lecturing experience of 18 academic subjects, and а PhD in marketing intelligence use as a driver of marketing activities transformation from the University of Portsmouth, UK. Iva has also a background in management consulting, innovation, and marketing strategy, having worked on solving critical challenges and enabling opportunities for some of the top global companies and brands, including McKinsey & Company, Logitech, Expedia, P&G, SC Johnson, McCain Foods across Europe, USA, and Asia. With a combined 20+ years of lecturing, researching, and consulting experience in digital & marketing strategy, innovation, organisational learning and insight generation and exploitation, and marketing communications, Iva is passionate about market intelligence use for marketing and organisational transformation, setting bold strategies - from research and design to go-to-market operations and implementation.

Latest Publications

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Research Overview

Research focus is on organisational learning and dynamic capabilities as key drivers of organisational survival and growth in technology-based companies and during VUCA times.

Research Areas

Accepting PhDs

I am currently accepting PhDs in Management.

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your research ideas further.

Email Me


Accepting PhDs

Research Specialisms

  • Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
  • Management Studies
  • Market Research
  • Marketing

Our research specialisms are based on the Higher Education Classification of Subjects (HECoS) which is HESA open data, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.

Past Research

Atanassova, I. and Bednar, P., 2022. Exogenous shocks, Covid 19 and firms’ ability to learn, adapt and evolve. Proceedings http://ceur-ws. org ISSN, 1613, p.0073.

Atanassova, I. and Clark, L., 2021. Social Media Use as an Enabler of Marketing Evolution in Knowledge-Intensive SMEs. In Research Anthology on Small Business Strategies for Success and Survival (pp. 747-770). IGI Global.

Atanassova, I.V., 2016. Social media practices in SME marketing activities: a dynamic capability approach (Doctoral dissertation, University of Portsmouth).

Atanassova, I. and Clark, L., 2015. Social media practices in SME marketing activities: A theoretical framework and research agenda. Journal of customer behaviour, 14(2), pp.163-183.

Atanassova, I. and Clark, L., 2015, July. Understanding the role of social media in the SME acquisition and incorporation of market intelligence. In Academy of Marketing Conference 2015: The magic of Marketing.

Atanassova, I., Clark, L. and Wheeler, C., 2013. Small Businesses And ROMI–The Social Media Dilemma. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Society 2013 (pp. 489-493).

Knowledge Exchange

KTP Bounce 2017, University of Portsmouth UK 

To develop new packaging framework, process and innovation in new product packaging and to develop consumer data profiling, including large data analytics, social media analysis and strategic data analytics.


Socio-Technical Perspective in IS development 2021-ongoing

Collaboration with Dr Peter Bednar, School of Computing, the University of Portsmouth, UK


Teaching Responsibilities

10 years of lecturing, module development and coordination experience in marketing, digital marketing, innovation, and entrepreneurship spanning across undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Co-director MSc Marketing Management Programme


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Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings

Contributions to Journals