Research PG
- About
- School/Department
- School of Psychology
I received my BSc and MRes in Psychology at the University of Aberdeen. I started my PhD in 2024, under the supervision of Dr Eva Rubínová. My PhD project examines the potential of confidence statements in improving the evidential value of reports of repeated events.
Memberships and Affiliations
- Internal Memberships
L1 Practical Tutor
Member of Applied Memory Lab
- External Memberships
Social chair for SARMAC's student causus (Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition)
American Psychology-Law Society Student Member
International Investigative Interviewing research Group Student Member
European Association of Psychology and Law Member
Experimental Psychology Society Postgraduate Member
Prizes and Awards
Alan Berkeley Milne Memorial Prize for the best undergraduate psychology thesis (2023)
Experimental Psychology Society / British Science Association Undergraduate Project Prize (2024)