Charlotte joined the Health Economics Research Unit (HERU) in November 2019 as a Research Assistant under the Assessment of Health Technologies theme. Currently, she is involved in the critical assessment of the economic methods used in single technology assessments as part of the evidence review group within the university. Previous projects include the conceptualisation and development of an economic model for childhood Asthma, health economic analysis alongside the RAACENO clinical trial and conducting a micro-costing analysis for the EDNA study. She graduated from the University of York in January 2020 with a distinction in MSc Health Economics; her MSc thesis investigated time preference as a mediator of the spousal correlation in smoking. This was completed within the unit during the summer of 2019. She also graduated from the University of Birmingham in June 2018 with a BSc Hons in Mathematical Economics and Statistics.
The UK resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta in trauma patients with life-threatening torso haemorrhage: The (UK-REBOA) multicentre RCT
Jansen, J. O., Hudson, J., Kennedy, C., Cochran, C., Maclennan, G., Gillies, K., Lendrum, R., Sadek, S., Boyers, D., Ferry, G., Lawrie, L., Nath, M., Cotton, S., Wileman, S., Forrest, M., Brohi, K., Harris, T., Lecky, F., Moran, C., Morrison, J. J., Norrie, J., Paterson, A., Tai, N., Welch, N., Campbell, M. K., UK-REBOA Study Group
The effects and safety of testosterone replacement therapy for men with hypogonadism: The TestES evidence synthesis and economic evaluation
Cruickshank, M., Hudson, J., Hernández, R., Aceves-Martins, M., Quinton, R., Gillies, K., Aucott, L. S., Kennedy, C., Manson, P., Oliver, N., Wu, F., Bhattacharya, S., Dhillo, W. S., Jayasena, C. N., Brazzelli, M.
Emergency Department Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta in Trauma Patients with Exsanguinating Hemorrhage: The UK-REBOA Randomized Clinical Trial
Jansen, J. O., Hudson, J., Cochran, C., MacLennan, G., Lendrum, R., Sadek, S., Gillies, K., Cotton, S., Kennedy, C., Boyers, D., Ferry, G., Lawrie, L., Nath, M., Wileman, S., Forrest, M., Brohi, K., Harris, T., Lecky, F., Moran, C., Morrison, J. J., Norrie, J., Paterson, A., Tai, N., Welch, N., Campbell, M. K., Aylwin, C., Bew, D., Brooks, A., Chinery, J., Cowlam, T., Frith, D., George, A., Hudson, A., Johnstone, P., Mahmood, A., Novak, A., O'Meara, M., Reid, S., Sattout, A., Smith, C., Stansfield, T., Thompson, J., UK-REBOA Study Group
PMON260 Cost-Effectiveness of Testosterone Treatment for Men with Hypogonadism
Jayasena, C. N., Hudson, J., Cruickshank, M., Kennedy, C., Quinton, R., Aceves Martins, M., Gillies, K., Manson, P., Dhillo, W. S., Bhattacharya, S., Brazzelli, M., Hernández, R. A.
Early detection of neovascular age-related macular degeneration: an economic evaluation based on data from the EDNA study
Hernández, R., Banister, K., Goulao, B., Cook, J., Sivaprasad, S., Hogg, R. E., Azuara-Blanco, A., Heimann, H., Dimitrova, M. P., Gale, R., Porteous, M., Ramsay, C., Chakravarthy, U., Scotland, G., Kennedy, C.
British Journal of Ophthalmology, vol. 106, no. 12, pp. 1754-1761
Reducing asthma attacks in children using exhaled nitric oxide (RAACENO) as a biomarker to inform treatment strategy: a multicentre, parallel, randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial
Turner, S., Cotton, S., Wood, J., Bell, V., Raja, E. A., Scott, N., Morgan, H., Lawrie, L., Emele, D., Kennedy, C., Scotland, G., Fielding, S., MacLennan, G., Norrie, J., Forrest, M., Gaillard, E. A., de Jongste, J. C., Pijnenburg, M. W., Thomas, M., Price, D.
The Lancet. Respiratory medicine, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 584-592
Treatment guided by fractional exhaled nitric oxide in addition to standard care in 6- to 15-year-olds with asthma: the RAACENO RCT
Turner, S., Cotton, S., Wood, J., Bell, V., Raja, E. A., Scott, N., Morgan, H., Lawrie, L., Emele, D., Kennedy, C., Scotland, G., Fielding, S., MacLennan, G., Norrie, J., Forrest, M., Gaillard, E. A., de Jongeste, J., Pijnenburg, M. W., Thomas, M., Price, D.
Non-invasive testing for early detection of neovascular macular degeneration in unaffected second eyes of older adults: EDNA diagnostic accuracy study
Banister, K., Cook, J. A., Scotland, G., Azuara-Blanco, A., Goulao, B., Heimann, H., Hernández, R. A., Hogg, R. E., Kennedy, C., Sivaprasad, S., Ramsay, C., Chakravarthy, U., EDNA study group