Brain Aging, imaging of subclinical and clinical brain abnormalities, the causes and consequences of cerebrovascular disease, nutrition and the brain, developmental programming of the brain.
Disrupted Limbic-Prefrontal Effective Connectivity in Response to Fearful Faces in Lifetime Depression
Stolicyn, A., Harris, M. A., Nooij, L. d., Shen, X., Macfarlane, J. A., Campbell, A., McNeil, C. J., Sandu, A., Murray, A. D., Waiter, G. D., Lawrie, S. M., Steele, D. J., McIntosh, A. M., Romaniuk, L., Whalley, H. C.
Journal of Affective Disorders, vol. 351, pp. 983-993
Structural brain correlates of childhood trauma with replication across two large, independent community-based samples
Madden, R. A., Atkinson, K., Shen, X., Green, C., Hillary, R. F., Hawkins, E., Såge, E., Sandu, A., Waiter, G., McNeil, C., Harris, M., Campbell, A., Porteous, D., Macfarlane, J. A., Murray, A., Steele, D., Romaniuk, L., Lawrie, S. M., McIntosh, A. M., Whalley, H. C.
Sexual dimorphism in the relationship between brain complexity, volume and general intelligence (g): a cross-cohort study
Sandu, A., Waiter, G. D., Staff, R. T., Nazlee, N., Habota, T., McNeil, C. J., Chapko, D., Williams, J. H., Fall, C. H. D., Chandak, G. R., Pene, S., Krishna, M., McIntosh, A. M., Whalley, H. C., Kumaran, K., Krishnaveni, G. V., Murray, A. D.
Epigenome-wide association study of global cortical volumes in Generation Scotland: Scottish Family Health Study
Barbu, M. C., Harris, M., Shen, X., Aleks, S., Green, C., Amador, C., Walker, R., Morris, S., Adams, M., Sandu, A., McNeil, C., Waiter, G., Evans, K., Campbell, A., Wardlaw, J., Steele, D., Murray, A., Porteous, D., McIntosh, A., Whalley, H.
Spectral Clustering Based on Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging and its Relationship with Major Depressive Disorder and Cognitive Ability
Yeung, H. W., Shen, X., Stolicyn, A., De Nooij, L., Harris, M. A., Romaniuk, L., Buchanan, C. R., Waiter, G. D., Sandu, A., McNeil, C. J., Murray, A., Steele, J. D., Campbell, A., Porteous, D., Lawrie, S. M., McIntosh, A. M., Cox, S. R., Smith, K. M., Whalley, H. C.
European Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 6281-6303
A cross-cohort study: sexual dimorphism in the relationship between brain complexity & intelligence
Sandu-Giuraniuc, A., Waiter, G., Nazlee, N., Habota, T., McNeil, C., Chapko, D., Williams, J. H., Fall, C., Chandak, G., Pene, S., Krishna, M., McIntosh, A. M., Whalley, H. C., Kumaran, K., Krishnaveni, G., Murray, A.