Mrs Ana Garcia Del Moral

Mrs Ana Garcia Del Moral
Mrs Ana Garcia Del Moral
Mrs Ana Garcia Del Moral

Database Assistant, Administration Coordinator

Office Address
Royal Aberdeen Maternity Hospital
Foresterhill Campus
AB25 2ZL

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PGR College Office Powis Gate
Old Aberdeen Campus
Powis Gate
AB24 3UG

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Digital & Information Services
Research and Knowledge Exchange


Database Assistant

I am part of the Digital and Information Services Directorate based within the Centre of Health Data Science and hold an NHS Honorary contract with the Aberdeen Fertility Centre. 

I am a database assistant, part of my job is to move the data from the old database to the new one, which I like to describe as a “Digital-Futuristic Librarian” because I take care of putting every data in its specific category place, so researchers can find it when they need it. 

I am working with special category data, that means, the information is especially hard protected by law. I work with birth data, blood, or genetic analysis test data, etc., which means I am a key role for the Institute of Applied Health Sciences because I support the researchers with my work. I organise and keep data accessible, so I am part of the chain of research that contributes to grow and develop the medical knowledge that will help people in the future. 


SUSTAIN CDT Administration Coordinator

I am a member of the SUSTAIN Centre for Doctoral Training project team in an administrative supportive role. I work as an Administration coordinator for the University of Aberdeen.

My job includes several administrative tasks that are needed in the day-to-day for the SUSTAIN CDT in Aberdeen. Some of them would fall to: Project administration; data management, compliance, and reporting; co-ordination of student-related administration; support for students; networking; communication and marketing; among others.

I am also the key link between relevant colleagues based at Aberdeen and the Universities part of the project: Lincoln, Queen’s Belfast, and Strathclyde, aligning with the work completed by the other CDT Administrators, and ensuring quality and adherence to the CDT processes.