University of Aberdeen information sessions for parents

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University of Aberdeen information sessions for parents

A series of information sessions for parents and guardians of prospective students has been organised by the University of Aberdeen in the run up to the new term.

Senior staff at the University will provide a wide range of information on the benefits of entering higher education, including the admissions and clearing processes, key strengths of the University and new developments taking place. On a more practical level, advice will be offered on fees, student loans, cost of living and general support and advice on finance.

Lorraine Manders, Director of Student Recruitment Services, said the evening events were organised following an increased interest by parents in the education of their children.

“Beginning university can be a daunting experience for parents as well as new students and we want them to be assured that the University their son or daughter attends will offer them help in finding their feet, making friends and settling into their studies as well as student life,” she said.

“We have noticed in recent months that more and more parents are coming along to university open days with their teenagers and that they are interested to hear about the practical aspects, as well as the issues of academic excellence and employability.”

The Parents’ Information Sessions will take place on Tuesday, August 17, at 6pm and Thursday, August 19, at 7.30pm. Both will take place in Crombie Hall, Old Aberdeen. A Clearing Open Day will be held on Saturday, August 28, at Old Aberdeen.

To book a place at any of these events, please contact Student Recruitment Services on (01224) 272090/272091 or e-mail

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