Scientists tackle low fat meat and milk challenges

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Scientists tackle low fat meat and milk challenges

Scientists tackle low fat meat and milk charges

Scientists from all over the world are due to on Aberdeen on 1 September to discuss new and better ways to produce low fat, high protein meat and milk products.

More than 150 leading researchers in human and animal nutrition are expected in the City for the 8th International Symposium on Protein Metabolism and Nutrition. The symposium takes places in the Fraser Noble Building, University of Aberdeen.

Professor John MacRae, Head of the Protein Metabolism Division at the Rowett Research Institute and one of the conference organisers explained; “There is now persuasive evidence that a diet high in animal fat can increase the risk of heart disease, cancer and obesity. Consumers now prefer lean meat and low fat milk products and this usually means processing the food before sale. Up to 70% of all milk is processed to reduce the fat content.”

Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the University of Aberdeen, Professor Dominic Houlihan, added: “Producing the right product on the farm, rather than relying on food processing before it can be sold, will mean consumers and the farming industry could benefit from cost-effective, low fat, high protein food.”

To tackle how best to achieve this and address other key aspects of human and animal nutrition, the four-day conference will discuss how meat and milk production is regulated, how appetite is controlled and how good nutrition can boost resistance to infections.

To coincide with the conference, Professor Grahame Bulfield will give a special lecture on the advantages and disadvantages of modern molecular genetic technologies. Professor Bulfield is Director of the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, where the world’s first cloned sheep, Dolly, was born.

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