Marischal College - An Open Letter from C Duncan Rice

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Marischal College - An Open Letter from C Duncan Rice

Marischal College:

An Open Letter from C Duncan Rice

Principal and Vice Chancellor, University of Aberdeen

I am aware that a number of letters and comments have been published expressing concern over the proposed development of a hotel within the Marischal College building.

Many of the concerns and comments are based on mistaken assumptions regarding the scale and manner of such a conversion, and I would like to take this opportunity to allay these understandable worries.

Marischal College has, for many years, been unsuitable for modern science teaching and research. Much of the academic activity that was undertaken there is now taking place in custom-built modern facilities on our Foresterhill and King’s College sites. As the custodian of this historic building, we are committed to seeing Marischal College used in an appropriate way.

For some years, we have had proposals for the conversion of the front part of the College into a high quality hotel. We have always planned to retain the rear portion of the building, including the Mitchell Hall and the Marischal Museum, for academic and cultural activities within the community.

We still hope we can carry on with this plan as the most viable option for the building whilst retaining the integrity of the space. It will also enable us to optimise the commercial opportunity for income generation to help us maintain, and indeed, enhance the distinction of the research and teaching programmes throughout the University. At present, the building is not only not being used and not bringing in income, but it is draining University resources for maintenance.

Turning to some of the comments that have appeared in the local press, I would like to make it quite clear that:

All plans have been approved and planning permission granted, with close attention having been paid to protecting the historic richness of Marischal College

Historic Scotland has approved the plans, and has rightly insisted that the integrity of a listed building be protected

No change will be allowed to the Court Room other than that which will enhance its historic character

No swimming pool is planned for the quadrangle

The coats of arms and the entire façade will be preserved

A University Court Committee has been given the responsibility of supervising every detail. We are absolutely committed to ensuring that any development is appropriate, both for the University and for the City of Aberdeen.

I fully understand that the people of Aberdeen take a strong interest in the development of Marischal College and my colleagues and I are wholly sensitive to the concerns expressed. Let me repeat that we take very seriously the responsibility of ensuring an appropriate future for Marischal College. We will discharge that responsibility with great diligence.

Further information from:

University Press Office on telephone +44 (0)1224-273778 or email

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