Entrepreneurs of the future showcase their business skills

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Entrepreneurs of the future showcase their business skills

PHOTO OPPORTUNITY: Monday, March 27, MacRobert Building, University of Aberdeen, at 3.45pm

Student teachers at the University of Aberdeen have been linking up with pupils at Westhill Academy for a series of masterclasses designed to test and develop the school pupils’ business know-how and team working skills.

The workshops are being held in partnership with the school as part of the University’s PGDE (S) (Professional Graduate Diploma in Education – Secondary) course in which around 18 prospective teachers are set the challenge of organising events in conjunction with a local school.

Organised by the University’s School of Education, the masterclasses are part of this year’s Specialist Professional Topic, which focuses on Enterprise and Education.

The first masterclass, held earlier this week, proved a huge success with the first cohort of 20 Westhill pupils set the task of setting up and running their own youth café.

The second masterclass, due to be held this Monday (March 27), entitled Paying your Way, will involve the second set of 20 pupils taking part in a mini-careers conference organising by the student teachers. Pupils will be involved in investigating career routes and developing their presentation and team working skills.

Mrs Jayne Bruce, Lecturer in the School of Education, said the joint initiative was a useful tool for developing stronger links between the University and the local community.

She said: “The School of Education has established a partnership with Westhill Academy. This involves our student teachers actively working alongside school pupils to develop their knowledge and skills in line with DtS (Determined to Succeed) - the Scottish Executive's strategy for Enterprise in Education.

“David Innes, Depute Headteacher at Westhill Academy, and Sandra Mutch, Enterprise Co-ordinator, have been a constant source of support and vision during this project.

“The School of Education is now looking forward to a closer working relationship with local schools. Together we hope to create a greater collaborative approach involving schools to enhance important training for our teachers to be.”

Students taking part in the forthcoming masterclass will be presented with prizes and certificates by Mrs Myra Pearson, Head of the School of Education, at the University of Aberdeen, on Monday.

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