University of Aberdeen launches new employability initiative for graduates

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University of Aberdeen launches new employability initiative for graduates

As part of its commitment to support graduates with careers advice for life, the University of Aberdeen has launched a new online initiative to help students stay connected wherever they go in the world.

The Careers Service has produced a series of online seminars which guide graduates through career related topics from career planning, self-assessment and development to job hunting, interview training and much more.

Professor Margaret Ross, Vice-Principal for People, said: “The University of Aberdeen is very supportive of the career aspirations of its students and graduates, encouraging and enabling early engagement with the careers service, with prospective employers and with academic mentors. These new online seminars for graduates provided by the University’s Careers Service offer an innovative and very welcome addition to the support currently offered to graduates of the university and a clear sign of our ongoing commitment to the employability of graduates in the months following graduation and beyond.”

Each seminar sets out suggested activities for students to complete and provides interaction between the user and the seminar.

Head of the Careers Service, Peter Fantom said: “This is a highly innovative approach in the Scottish Higher Education sector.

“We are particularly pleased that we have been able to include seminars on the growing area of managing an online presence which is so vital for today’s graduates, and a seminar on resilience recognising that sourcing an initial position on a person’s career journey can be highly challenging.”

Katrina Allan, Alumni Relations Manager, University of Aberdeen, added: “The ongoing support of our alumni is immensely important to us and we believe that this suite of online seminars will be useful not only to new graduates but also to alumni who are further on in their careers. Their online access means that wherever they are across the globe, members of our global alumni family can continue to benefit from the expertise of our outstanding Careers Service.”

Graduates have been responding well to the Aberdeen initiative with more than 160 accessing the seminars in their first week. Class of 2016 graduate Esther Malcolm said: “I found the series of online graduate career seminars an extremely useful tool in equipping me with the necessary knowledge and understanding of the application process and what employers are looking for. The new online graduate careers seminars are innovative, accessible, coherent and extremely relevant. Their online nature is perhaps their greatest feature, making such career-essential information so widely accessible.”

Graduates can access the seminars online from the Careers Service homepage

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