The Science Section programme has now been published along with information for presenters and congress publications.
Science Section Programme is available here.
Or download the printable programme here (pdf).
Information for Presenters
Poster Sessions
The Science Section including the oral and poster presentations takes place at the Mikhailovskaya Dacha campus. The location of the individual meeting rooms for sessions and related oral presentations will be provided at the venue and on their website in August 2016.
Prepare your oral presentation by following the time limit indicated in the abstract acceptance letter. The session schedule is also available here. It is possible to use a Power Point in your oral presentation.
Important: Arrive to the assigned meeting room well before your session starts to download your presentation on the computer by using a USB-device. The technical support staff available in the meeting room will assist you.
The poster size is A1 in portrait orientation (width 59.4 cm, height 84.1cm). The poster exhibition area is located in the three lobbies outside of the main auditorium of the Mikhailovskaya Dacha campus, where also the coffee stations are located. Poster boards will be marked by the session number and name of the first author of the related abstract.
All posters can be available for the whole duration of the UArctic Congress 2016 Science Section, from 8am Wednesday, 14 September 2016 until 1pm Friday, 16 September 2016.
The presenters of the posters should be available by their posters for questions from the audience during the poster sessions that take place as follows:
- Wednesday 14 September 2016 at 10:15-10:30, 12:30-13:00 and 14:30-15:00
- Sessions 1.1, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.1, 2.3, 3.1, 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 4.6
- Thursday 15 September 2016 at 10:15-10:30, 12:30-13:00
- Sessions 1.3, 2.2, 2.5, 3.2, 4.5, 5.1
- Friday 16 September 2016 at 10:15-10:30, 12:30-13:00
- Sessions 1.8, 2.4
Congress Publications
Three types of congress publications will be derived from the UArctic Congress 2016 Science Section.
All abstracts have undergone scientific evaluation. Abstracts accepted for oral or poster presentation are available as links from the Science Section Programme overview and related Science Sessions subpages.
eAbstract book
An eAbstract Book with DOI and other bibliographic information will be published on the Science section webpages after the congress, containing those abstracts that were presented in the congress. This means that no-shows will not get an abstract book publication.
Edited volume
Scientific articles based on the UArctic Congress 2016 Science Section presentations will be published as an edited volume by Springer in summer 2017. Scientists who have an abstract with either oral or poster presentation in the Congress Science Section will be given a possibility to express their interest to publish an article in this edited volume during the UArctic Congress 2016. The edited volume will be a peer-reviewed on-line Open Access publication with indexing and bibliographic information.
The expressions of interest to publish an article in the edited volume are invited during the UArctic Congress Science Section, followed by a selection process in November to December 2016 and the submission of the finalized articles in January to February 2017. The volume is planned to be published at the UArctic Council meeting in August 2017 in Nuuk.
The book will revolve around the following five scientific themes Congress, based on the recent ICARP III report. Each of the five chapters of the edited volume will consist of (tentatively) five articles and related figures, tables and illustrations, written by selected presenters of the congress sessions. The length of each article is max 10 pages including references.
The themes are:
- The vulnerability of Arctic environments. The rapidly changing Arctic initiates changes that cascade through the global system impacting weather, commerce and ecosystems in the more temperate regions. Linkages across disciplines, scales, and diverse knowledge systems must be addressed in future research activities.
- The vulnerability of Arctic societies. Understanding the vulnerability and resilience of Arctic societies requires increased international scientific cooperation, including contributions from non-Arctic states.
- Local and traditional knowledge. More effective use must be made of local and traditional knowledge by engaging northern and Indigenous communities in setting priorities, the co-design and co-production of research, and the dissemination of this knowledge by ensuring appropriate access to research data and results.
- Building long-term human capacity. It is essential to build long-term human capacity to support relevant observations and research among scientists, decision-makers and Arctic residents, including Indigenous Peoples, through education and effective public engagement, and by adopting shared principles to guide research activities.
- New markets for Arctic, including trade, tourism and transportation. These will likely emerge faster than the necessary infrastructures on land and sea. Sustainable infrastructure development and innovation to strengthen the resilience of Arctic communities requires a collaborative approach involving scientists, communities, governments, and industry.
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