University Professor praised for postgraduate study report

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University Professor praised for postgraduate study report

A University of Aberdeen Professor has won praise from Scotland's Cabinet Secretary for Education for his contribution towards the future of postgraduate education in Scotland.

Professor Bryan MacGregor, Vice-Principal and Head of the University’s College of Physical Sciences, is Chair of the Scottish Government’s Taught Postgraduate Study Working Group.  The group has today published its recommendations on how to address barriers that exist for students interested in postgraduate study.

Angela Constance, Scotland’s Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, thanked Professor MacGregor and other members of the group for their work.  Their final report will be considered by the Government in the New Year.

“I am very grateful to Professor MacGregor and the members of the working group for their hard work in this area and for producing a thoughtful final report,” she said.

“We recognise the importance of increased participation in postgraduate study by Scottish students and today’s publication outlines a number of ideas on how this might be achieved, which will ultimately contribute to growing Scotland’s economy.

“I will now carefully consider the group’s report and look forward to working together with the sector to encourage even more graduates to fulfil their potential.”

Options identified by the group to reduce barriers to postgraduate study include:

•Incentives to undertake postgraduate study including changes to funding support.

•Improved online course information

•Greater focus on wider access to underrepresented groups based on age, gender and socio-economic background

•Closer engagement between industry and universities

Commenting on the final report, Professor MacGregor said: “The postgraduate group members have all contributed significant effort and expertise to the production of this report and I thank them for this.

 “I am confident that the work of the group will lead to a positive and long lasting change in the number of Scottish domiciled students undertaking postgraduate study.”

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