Outdoor Photography Competition - To the North

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Outdoor Photography Competition - To the North

Submissions of photographic work are sought from the North of Scotland and other northern countries that examines The Experience of North, which will be judged by Gray's School of Art. This competition is open to all and closes on 25 September 2015.

Develop North, in partnership with Metro Imaging, are excited to announce the first Open Call Submission for a prominent outdoor Photography Exhibition in the heart of Aberdeen City Centre, this Autumn.

They are looking for submissions of contemporary photographic work that examine The Experience of North. This may be a response to current political, social or cultural landscapes, or perhaps a poetic, conceptual or critical perception of what it is to experience the ‘North’. All interpretations are valid. 

They welcome entries from practitioners and enthusiasts from across the North of Scotland and beyond. Through photography they are looking to explore an intrinsic, shared understanding of the qualities of northerly life. Therefor imagery from other northerly countries, that share in this unique understanding of northern environments, are also valid.

The work will be judged by a panel of professionals from Gray’s School of Art and printed by Metro Imaging to feature in a prominent city centre exhibition throughout Autumn. To submit your entry please see requirements below on how to enter:

Develop North’s Open Call Exhibition is FREE to enter. Applicants are not required to reside within North-East Scotland, submissions are accepted from all persons. Up to 3 images may be submitted per applicant. Files MUST be presented in JPEG format at a MAXIMUM file size of 2MB per image. Please ensure that each file is renamed to include your full name, eg. JohnSmith.jpeg. Image titles may also be included if desired. These should follow your name and be separated by an underscore eg. JohnSmith_title.jpeg.

Please send entries to info@developnorth.com. The open call closes at 5pm Friday 25 September 2015. Entries sent after this deadline will not be considered.

Successful applicants will be notified by email by 1 October 2015 and the chosen work will be screened as part of the Develop North event at Gray’s School of Art on 2 and 3 October 2015. If successful, entrants will be required to submit a high resolution file of their image for printing no later than 6 October 2015. Regrettably, files received after this deadline will not be included in the outdoor City Centre exhibition.

In partnership with: Metro Imaging and Aberdeen City Council.




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