Spring 2014 College Bulletin published

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Spring 2014 College Bulletin published

Issue 11 of the College of Life Sciences and Medicine Bulletin has now been published.

Time flies, and already it is nearly half way through 2014! Capturing a handful of the stories and events from around the College since we entered 2014, Issue 11 of the College Bulletin has been published.

Although Spring has only just taken a grip, we're coming to the end of the Academic Year, with many students commencing exams, and Professor Greaves takes the opportunity in the Bulletin to wish all our students well for their forthcoming challenges.

Have you got an article to include for the next edition? Or perhaps you have some feedback on the Bulletin? If so please email Emma Webb.

There's a few questions Emma would particularly like to ask our College Staff, so please have a look below and email her your thoughts.

  1. Do you like the current format of hard copy and hosting it online? If no, what format would be preferable?
  2. Are the stories of interest? If not, why not? What other things would you be interested in hearing about in the Bulletin?
  3. Do you feel the current frequency of twice a year is right or would you like the number of editions per year to increase? If so, how many per year would you like to have and why?
  4. Any other comments and suggestions?

We look forward to hearing from you.

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