Student groups scoop top NUS awards

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Student groups scoop top NUS awards

The Aberdeen University Student Association (AUSA) is celebrating after winning three prestigious Scottish student awards.

At the National Union of Students (NUS) Scotland awards, held in Dundee, Aberdeen were named Sports Club of the Year (Women’s Netball team); Campaign of the Year (Child free, to child friendly campaign) as well as the Innovation & Enterprise award for their food Co-op scheme.

The NUS Scotland Awards celebrate the work of individual students, student groups and students’ associations from across Scotland and this year received a record number of nominations for the awards.

The volunteer-run food co-op The Corner, is a not-for-profit food shop where students can purchase affordable organic and fair trade food, and become co-op members for further discounts. 

 “We are delighted to have been awarded the NUS Scotland Innovation & Enterprise Award, explained Eva Nohe, President for Environment & Ethics. “All the volunteers have been very dedicated and hard-working and The Corner has been received very positively, so it is great that their efforts are being acknowledged. Hopefully this will inspire students at other universities to start similar projects.”

The child free, to child friendly campaign has set about improving provisions and conditions around campus for students with children, including changing facilities, social groups and general support information.

“It’s great that we have been recognised for winning Campaign of the Year for the child-free to child-friendly campaign,” said Emily Beever, President for Charities & Community. “Student parents have traditionally been unsupported by higher education institutions but now we are demonstrating that having a child is not a barrier to education.”

Netball team captain Lauren Crane, meanwhile, hailed her team’s award as Sports Club of the Year.

“This is a great achievement for us all and shows how pulling together and working as a strong team can give successful results. I am very proud to be part of such a great club and without the hard work and enthusiasm from each club member, this success would not have been possible.

“We all believe it is important to engage with the community and help encourage the young girls of Aberdeen to join in with netball. We can only hope to keep building upon these successes and relationships gained this year in order to ensure the club continues to grow as a strong and efficient club in the future.”

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