A team led by Professor Jennifer Cleland from University of Aberdeen has been commissioned by the GMC to undertake a literature review to identify best practice in the selection of medical students.
The review has two objectives. First, an examination of available evidence on the effectiveness of methods used by medical schools to select students, both in the UK and internationally. Second, an examination of available evidence on the effectiveness of widening access initiatives used by medical schools to promote fair access, both in the UK and internationally.
The report will be available by the end of 2012, at which point we will undertake further work jointly with the Medical Schools Council in order to support the spread of best practice where identified in the report.
The project will define, analyse, and review existing approaches to selection into medicine, as well as widening access initiatives, and synthesise these into recommendations for policy and actions. Literature on selection and widening access will be reviewed.
This will be supplemented by data gathered via an initial web survey to examine schools' selection and widening access policies followed up by direct contact with Admissions Deans from each UK medical school. Where apparent evidence is lacking or there is no UK evidence, the research team will focus on identifying the key research questions.
If you would like further information on this project please contact Professor Jennifer Cleland(jen.cleland@abdn.ac.uk) or Paul Myatt at the GMC(pmyatt@gmc-uk.org).