Professor John Brewer AcSS OBE, Professor of Sociology, University of Aberdeen, has been elected as a Council member of the Academy of Social Sciences.
The Academy is the representative body for social science disciplines, with 44 member institutions including British Sociological Association and the Joint University Council.
Professor Brewer was one of three new members who began their term after the Academy’s annual general meeting in London on Thursday 5 July.
The Council is its presiding body, whose 21 members can serve for two terms of three years each. It is chaired by the behavioural psychologist, Professor Cary Cooper CBE AcSS, and its President is Professor Sir Howard Newby AcSS, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Liverpool.
Professor Brewer already sits as part of the UN’s 'roster of global experts', a panel of experts appointed by a UN selection committee to offer advice on political, religious and cultural matters in the field of their expertise and he is a member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
He is author and co-author of thirteen books and in 2010 he was one of ten distinguished lecturers invited to participate in the Love and Justice Lecture Series, organised by Professor Nicholas Wolterstorff at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture, University of Virginia at Charlottesville.