Prospective science students flock to the city

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Prospective science students flock to the city

Hundreds of would be science and engineering students from across the UK will visit the University of Aberdeen today (Wednesday February 29) as the institution hosts its annual Science and Engineering Applicant day.

The event – which provides an insight into all aspects of student life in the city – takes place at the University’s King’s College Campus.

Attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about the scientific discipline they aim to study at the University.

Academics will be on hand to provide one-on-one advice and information on the wide variety of degree programmes available, and give tours of academic facilities.

Sessions on subjects including student support, finance, accommodation, careers and studying abroad will provide guests with the opportunity to ask key questions about their academic future.

Guided tours of the University’s King’s College Campus, including the new University Library and the Aberdeen Sports Village, will also be available.

Professor Bryan MacGregor, Head of the College of Physical Sciences at the University of Aberdeen said: “The Science and Engineering Applicant day is a key opportunity for students hoping to undertake their studies at the University of Aberdeen, to gain a real insight into what the institution has to offer, and ask those all important questions about their future academic career. 

“From course structures and career opportunities to accommodation and financial support, the events will provide an overview of the full spectrum of life at the University and showcase the high quality teaching and facilities that these students can expect to experience when they embark on their studies.”

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