The pursuit of happiness and how to achieve it will be the subject of a talk being given next week by University of Aberdeen’s Vice- Principal for Research and Knowledge, Professor Claire Wallace.
The talk, on Monday (September 19) at 6.30pm at the University’s Fraser Noble building, will examine the factors we can introduce to our lives to help achieve happiness.
Professor Wallace, who has studied wellbeing in European societies, will look at how our social environment affects our levels of happiness rather than how much money we have. She will also explore how we can influence our social environment through public policy to bring about greater happiness.
A sociologist, Professor Wallace, said: “Neurologists can tell us which parts of the brain are associated with happiness, psychologists can tell us how individuals order their lives to achieve happiness, and sociologists can tell us what sort of society will create happiness.”
The talk forms part of the Discovery Series at Techfest in September which runs until September 26.
Tickets for Professor Wallace’s talk What Makes Us Happy cost £5 for adults and £3.50 for concessions.