At this recent symposium, lecturer in Film and Visual Culture Dr Alejandra Rodríguez-Remedi gave a demonstration to showcase her "Creative Approaches to the Energy Crisis" workshop as well as the creative outputs produced by workshop participants.
Funded by the Aberdeen Grants Academy through its internal funding to pump-prime research and research networks, the two-day "Creative Approaches to the Energy Crisis" interdisciplinary workshop held on 10th and 11th June gathered researchers and creative practitioners from the University and beyond who are interested in bringing the sciences and the arts and humanities closer together for a more holistic understanding of energy transitions.
At the Interdisciplinary Institute's Symposium on Wednesday 4th September, Alejandra's demonstration showcased the workshop and offered University staff and students an opportunity to experience the reflective outputs created by several of the workshop participants: a short piece for piano by composer Dylan Dutot Mayne, a digital tablecloth composition by artist Callum Kellie, a digitally manipulated scan of a tea towel piece by artist Alison Scott, a reflective video piece by filmmaker Sara Stroud, and a graphic response by artist-researcher and lecturer Dr Maja Zećo.
You are warmly invited to watch a short video [] about the workshop and listen to a podcast [] featuring several of the participants.
With thanks to Alice Toulson of the Grants Academy, LLMVC technician Xavier Lo, and MLitt students Joey Wiles Eagle, Vix Fowler and Rachel Venturini for their outstanding support.