Monymusk pupils can't get enough of University life

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Monymusk pupils can't get enough of University life

Primary pupils from Monymusk School in Aberdeenshire were back for more earlier this month - after their first visit to the University proved a huge hit.

The entire school were on campus in November for a ‘Doric Day’ where, along with a number of other activities, they carried out a reading and signing of their book Jock’s Daunder Roon Monymusk’.  

While some of pupils were in London this week on a trip connected to the book, the rest of the school got to explore parts of the University’s Old Aberdeen campus they didn’t have time to see last year. 

They had a great time in Zoology building visiting the Biodiversity Centre where they carried out a number of activities and had a hunt round the museum looking for specimens.  

The team at TAU were another highlight of the day where the young people learned all about the importance of joining clubs and societies, as well as finding out about engineering and car racing. The younger children had time at the Sir Duncan Rice Library at the ‘Striking Impressions’ exhibition where they learned about facial interpretation through sculpture, caricature and painting. 

Pam Cumming, Schools Engagement Officer said: “The University is packed with great activities to inspire our young people, it was a delight to hear they enjoyed their first visit so much they wanted to come back for more.” 

Christina Farquhar, teacher at Monymusk, said: “What a fantastic day, we are no sooner back in school, and the pupils are asking to go again.The zoology building really captures their attention.”    

Annabelle, one of the pupils, added: “Team TAU were fantastic, their car is much better than ours, maybe one day I can do that too.”

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