The University of Aberdeen is to enter into formal merger negotiations with the Aberdeen Campus of Northern College. The move was given the final seal of approval at today’s Court meeting (19 May), following an earlier agreement by the University’s Senate on 6 May.
Following the initial invitation in November 1997 from the Board of Governors of Northern College to the University to consider a merger, a Task Force was established to evaluate the proposal and make recommendations.
Professor C. Duncan Rice, Principal of the University of Aberdeen said:
“The Task Force has constructed a strong academic case for adding teacher education and training to the University’s portfolio. We take great pride in our tradition of educating doctors, lawyers and other professionals and there is now an exciting opportunity to restore teachers to that tradition”.
“It is important that the professional training of teachers goes hand-in-hand with their personal intellectual development and a full spectrum university can by its very nature provide the stimulating academic environment in which both elements can be provided”.
Professor Rice continued: “The University also has a strong interest in ensuring that schools from which we draw a substantial number of our students are staffed by well educated and trained teachers with ongoing access to high quality continuing professional development opportunities”.
“I am very pleased that both Senate and Court have accepted the recommendation and negotiations will now begin in earnest”.
The University has identified four constraints on the negotiations:
1. The University must not suffer any financial detriment as a result of the merger
2. The resources, facilities and services available to existing areas of University activity should not be reduced as a consequence of the merger
3. Following merger, the activity transferred from Northern College should operate as a fifth Faculty of the University on the same basis as other areas of academic activity
4. Full consultation should be undertaken with all staff and with their representative
Negotiations are scheduled to be completed and formal proposals submitted to the Scottish Office for approval by October 1998. It is hoped that approval will be granted in time for the merger to begin in August 1999.
Further information: Professor Ian Macdonald, Senior Vice Principal and Task Force Leader Tel: (01224) 272017