TAs the University of Aberdeen finalises its arrangements to celebrate the 500th Anniversary of its King’s College Chapel during the weekend of 1-2 April, it launches tomorrow (23 March) an official Appeal to raise £200,000 to replace the existing organ in the Chapel.
Director of the University’s Music Department, Dr Roger Williams, explained: “The organ we use in the Chapel was built in the 1960s. In the magnificent surroundings of the Chapel, it is appropriate that we have an instrument which produces music to inspire and delight.
“In addition, there is a desperate shortage of organists in Scotland. I firmly believe that a new, high quality instrument would encourage people to learn to play. We will certainly be able to offer courses in organ music, something we have never been able to do before.”
George McPhee, MBE, Director of Music and Organist at Paisley Abbey, welcomed the Appeal “It would open up possibilities for recitals and a much wider range of music and would put the University on the map for organ festivals, courses and proper tuition of the repertoire. It would give a totally different slant to music in Aberdeen.”
Professor Peter Williams, University College, Cardiff, added: “A new organ would give the University, town and region something the like of which none of them has at present. The University’s outstanding music programmes of concerts, ensembles, choir activities and chapel music proves that the instrument would be a deserved and much appreciated asset.”
In addition to funds for a new organ, the Appeal is raising money for musical scholarships. These will be offered for choristers, organists and instrumentalists, providing £500 for year for tuition fees and maintenance.
As a result of a number of very generous donations, the University has already secured almost one third of the funds required to fund the new organ. Anyone interested in finding out more about the Appeal or making a donation should contact Miss Camilla Leigh, Development Trust Officer, on 01224 273232