Salmon Farming: Towards an Integrated Pest Management Strategy for Sea Lice
University of Aberdeen
University of Aberdeen
Salmon Farming : Towards an Integrated Pest Management Strategy for Sea Lice
This exciting international meeting will address the issues facing salmon farming industry in sea lice control. It will bring together viewpoints from all sides - industry, science, environmental protection agencies, and fishermen - to present the facts regarding sea lice infections and debate the best way forward for sustainable practices in their control.
The conference will cover three sessions: The Science Base of Sea Louse Control; Epidemiology and Modelling; and Management Systems. Speakers from both the academic and commercial sector will bring together their knowledge and expertise to provide an overview of the science base from which new control strategies will be implemented.
Speakers from both the Scottish and international arenas will share ideas and best practice for speakers and delegates from across the world. Presentations will include Jennifer Mordue, University of Aberdeen and SCI Scotland Chairman talking on Semiochemical Approaches to Sealouse Control; Gordon Rae of Scottish Quality Salmon, Perth giving an overview of Sealouse Control Past and Present and James Butler of Wester Ross Fisheries Trust, Dundonnell speaking on Wild Fisheries and Sealouse Control.