The prestigious international publishers, Elsevier, have just launched a new student textbook, which has been written by Dr Ross Taylor, a general practitioner in Aberdeen and Senior Lecturer at the University of Aberdeen. 'General Practice Medicine' has also been written with assistance from Professor Brian McAvoy from the University of Melbourne, Australia, and Professor Tom O'Dowd, Trinity College, Dublin, among others.
Dr Taylor said: "The book is heavily illustrated and is intended to introduce junior medical students to the clinical and other work that takes place within general medical practice. It is also intended to appeal to an international audience and a Mandarin translated edition for Chinese students has already been commissioned."
The new volume presents important topics in clinical medicine and related areas as they will be experienced in the primary care/general practice setting and emphasis is given to the importance of an evidence-based approach. One of the main features of the book is to familiarise students with the context of general practice and how it differs from hospital-based care.
This is the second textbook produced by Dr Taylor this year. The previous book, Health and Illness in the Community, was published by Oxford University Press and prepared by a different group of colleagues, mostly from the University of Aberdeen. Health and Illness in the Community focuses more on the social aspects of medicine.
It is expected that both books will sell widely in various countries as well as the UK, reflecting well on the international reputation of Aberdeen's old established and highly respected medical school.
Dr Ross Taylor is Principal in the Westburn Medical Group and is also Provost of the local North-East Faculty of the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP). He has recently been awarded the RCGP Presidents Medal for his exceptional work towards the Colleges aims of high quality patient care.
Book details: General Practice Medicine
Illustrated Colour Text (ICT) series
Authors: Ross J Taylor (University of Aberdeen), Brian R McAvoy (University of Melbourne) and Tom ODowd (Trinity College, Dublin)
Price: £19.99
Published by Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, July 2003
For further details or to order a copy of the book, visit:
Issued by Public Relations Office, External Relations, University of Aberdeen, King's College, Aberdeen.
Tel: (01224) 272960 Fax: (01224) 272086. Contact: Angela Ferguson