Scotland’s first science champion will next week launch a new series of free sessions where the public can engage with scientists in the heart of Aberdeen.
On Monday (19 January) Professor Anne Glover CBE, Chief Scientific Adviser and Professor of Molecular Biology at the University of Aberdeen, will be the first speaker at Café Scientifique – a lively and informal public forum in Aberdeen for discussing the latest topics in science and technology.
Organised by the University's Public Engagement team, Café Scientifique will be hosted one night per month from January through to October in the Costa Coffee café of Waterstone's Union Bridge branch. There is no need to book and entry is open to all.
Each event will kick off at 7pm with a short introduction by the guest speaker. An opportunity to buy refreshments or snacks will follow before a longer open-mic discussion begins.
Science, Society, So What! Is the title of Professor Glover's talk which promises to be an engaging and lively debate.
Dr Ken Skeldon, the University's Public Engagement Development Officer, said: "We are delighted that Professor Anne Glover is helping to launch our Café Scientifique.
"The Chief Scientific Adviser for Scotland will be discussing the role of science in society and outlining why we should care about making scientific topics accessible for everyone.
Audience participation is key to the format and we are hoping for a series of lively discussions."
The full Café Scientifique 2009 Winter/Spring programme can be found at and is sponsored by the University of Aberdeen and a Science and Society grant from the Scottish Government.