4.1 Undergraduate At-Risk Scholarship

The Undergraduate At-Risk Scholarship is designed to support undergraduate offer holders who are seeking sanctuary in the UK. The Scholar will receive a contribution towards tuition fees (up to £25K), free single occupancy accommodation and a stipend.

When the scholarship becomes available, eligible offer holders are identified and contacted directly by the University and invited to submit an application.

4.2 The George and Lilian Adam Smith Scholarship (PGT)

The George and Lilian Adam Smith Scholarship is designed to support postgraduate taught offer holders who are seeking sanctuary in the UK. The Scholar will receive a contribution towards tuition fees (up to £25K), free single occupancy accommodation and a stipend.

When the scholarship becomes available, eligible offer holders are identified and contacted directly by the University and invited to submit an application.

179 4. Scholarships for At-Risk & Displaced Students