Nursery children will find out about nature at Spring time at the University of Aberdeen later this week.
The Nests and Eggs events are part of the Nature Tots series, which is being run by the University's Natural History Centre.
The pre-schoolers and their parents will find out about different kinds of Spring wildlife including bird nests and eggs through hands-on activities, which have been specially designed for this age group.
Mandy Tulloch, Development Co-ordinator at the Natural History Centre, said: "Nature Tot events are designed to involve children and their parents in the environment.
“We'll be exploring the Cruickshank Botanic Garden for last year's nests, finding out all about eggs and also making a special Easter nest to take home. It's going to be great fun!"
Nature Tots is a monthly series of environmental sessions for children not yet at school. This programme of activities for two to five-year-olds and their parents has been specifically designed to inspire them about environment and natural history. It aims to allow children to explore subjects not always available to them at home. Caring for and respect towards the environment also feature prominently within each session