Legal academics from around the world gather in Aberdeen for the second SCOTLIN Conference

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Legal academics from around the world gather in Aberdeen for the second SCOTLIN Conference

The University of Aberdeen hosted the second SCOTLIN conference last month, an annual event fostering debate and knowledge exchange on law and innovation across Scotland.

The two-day conference on March 27 and 28 saw around 30 Scottish and international scholars gather at the University’s Old Aberdeen campus to hear presentations around the theme of ‘Law and the Future: Managing the Increased Resort to Technology’.

Academics from the Universities of Aberdeen, Dundee, St Andrews, Stirling, Glasgow, Edinburgh, spoke across a wide range of topics, from the enforcement of safety standards in smart robots, how maritime law regimes accommodate autonomous ships and the impact of drones technology, through to the regulation of the internet and ending smart data enclosures.

They were joined by international speakers from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany; the Universidad de las Américas Puebla in Mexico, the University of Colorado Law School, Colorado, the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

Dr Nevena Jevremović (University of Aberdeen) and Matt Jewell (Amiqus) led a roundtable discussion on innovation in legal education.

Dr Ducato, a member of the conference’s organising committee, said: “It was such a pleasure to host friends and colleagues in Aberdeen for the second annual SCOTLIN conference to present their research. Their work in the field of law and technology is absolutely cutting-edge.”

Head of School Greg Gordon added: “We were honoured to host the second outing for this event which is rapidly becoming a fixed date in the Scottish legal industry calendar.”

SCOTLIN is the Scottish Law and Innovation Network, a research network funded by The Royal Society of Edinburgh (2021-2023) and co-ordinated by Dr Guido Noto La Diega from the University of Stirling), Professor Martin Kretschmer from the University of Glasgow; and Dr Rossana Ducato from the University of Aberdeen.

The second annual conference was co-organised by Dr Rossana Ducato, Dr Qiang Cai, Professor Irène Couzigou, Dr Burcu Yüksel Ripley and Dr Patricia Živković from the University of Aberdeen; Dr Guido Noto La Diega and Cheryl Warden from Stirling Law School; Dr Lorna Gillies from Edinburgh Napier University; Arletta Gorecka from the University of Strathclyde and Stirling; and Dr Tristan Henderson from the University of St Andrews.

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