The University of Aberdeen is to be honoured by a local cultural society for its services to academic excellence, at a ceremony taking place in March.
The Order of the Scottish Samurai (OSS) will present the University with its OSS Centre of Academic Excellence award, at a formal ceremony taking place at the University’s King’s College campus.
The OSS was founded in 1994, inspired by the Japanese ‘Order of the Rising Sun’ (ORS) which Japan awarded to Aberdeen native Thomas Blake Glover in 1908. Glover was the first non-national to be awarded an ORS and became known as the ‘Scottish Samurai’.
In addition to conferring the award, the OSS will also honour three individuals for their outstanding stewardship and service on behalf of the University.
These include:
- Professor George Boyne, University Principal, who will receive the OSS Taisho for Services to Academic Excellence
- University Secretary and Chief Operating Officer Tracey Slaven, who will be awarded the OSS Great Shogun for Services to Aberdeen University
- University Court member Dr. Robert Traynham, a former communications director to the United States Senate and current Head of Public Affairs at Facebook, who will receive the OSS Taisho for Services to Aberdeen University
The ceremony will also feature a presentation by John Otto OSS Great Shogun and Kimberlie Hamilton OSS Great Shogun, co-founders of the JJR Macleod Memorial Statue Society. They will deliver a talk on University graduate and former Regius Professor of Physiology J. J. R. Macleod, who received the 1923 Nobel Prize for his role in the co-discovery of insulin.
The Order of the Scottish Samurai Founder and President, Ronnie Watt OBE, ORS, said: “The OSS is all about encouraging cross-cultural relationships and celebrating those who serve and excel. We are delighted to recognise the University and our honourees for their exceptional leadership roles within academia”.