Our new project, in partnership with the Universities of Dundee, West England Bristol and NHS Education for Scotland, involves an online citizen science platform that is launching today. Members of the public (citizens) are invited to share their experiences, help us improve oral and dental healthcare, learn more about oral and dental health, as well as how to get involved in our research.
The platform is hosted by Crowdicity and aims to generate ideas and innovation to improve the implementation of guidelines in dentistry. National dental guidelines are released by the Scottish Clinical Effectiveness Programme and, through our TRiaDS partnership, we look into ways to increase adherence to these guidelines. However, looking at the implementation of guidelines from a patient perspective in an online citizen science platform, is a novel approach in dentistry. By launching the platform, we aim to put patients and the public at the centre of innovation in oral health and dental care. The platform is supported by an advisory group including dentists, guideline developers, patients and researchers. The group will help identify the most feasible ideas voted in the platform to take forward, refine and evaluate. Platform participants interested in collaborating with the team in future research will be invited to stay involved. The platform will remain active for the next six months and it will end with an event to discuss the future of oral health and dental care.
To find out more about GUIDE go here: https://www.abdn.ac.uk/hsru/what-we-do/research/projects/guide-1040.php
Or join the platform here: https://guideoralhealth.crowdicity.com/
GUIDE video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-Rkyl1B8ps&t=1s