Funding has been secured to support two PhD candidates to undertake research that will explore relationships between Scotland's National Islands Plan and a rural population turnaround.
An opportunity has arisen for two fully funded PhD studentships to support research on the topic of contemporary migration to Scotland's islands. Both projects will be supervised by Drs Lorna Philip ( and Paula Duffy ( (Geography, University of Aberdeen) and Drs Ruth Wilson and Mags Currie (James Hutton Institute). Building on existing research on rural migration, resilience and mobilities, the successful candidates will undertake in-depth studies of the aspirations and lived experiences of working age, in-migrant islanders (whether new or returning) to explore the opportunities and barriers they encounter. One studentship is funded by the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science’s ESRC Doctoral Training Partnership and the second is funded by the Macaulay Development Trust. Further details about the studentship and information about how to apply are available here. All applications submitted via the SGSSS application system will automatically be considered for both theSGSSS- ESRC and MDT funded studentships. Informal enquiries to the supervisory team are encouraged in advance of submitting an application.