Graduating in medicine from the University of Aberdeen is a bittersweet affair for Nadia Crolla, 26. While excited for the challenges ahead, Nadia is 'sad to leave the family unit within the medical school' where she describes how the staff 'always go above and beyond' to help students through their studies.
Although slightly earlier than planned, Nadia is due to start work in one of the medical wards in ARI as an interim foundation doctor. Excited by the prospect of joining the NHS effort against Covid-19, Nadia feels ready to take on these unique challenges, explaining: ”The Medical School has prepared us well for the stress and uncertainty that comes with being a doctor and although things are not functioning as normal at the minute, we have huge amounts of support from staff and colleagues to get us through this.
“The majority of being a good doctor doesn't come from books, it comes from how you communicate with people and how you maintain empathy in the most trying of times and the medical school have done a stellar job to prepare us for this. “