Investment in a Growing Divinity Department

Investment in a Growing Divinity Department

Divinity at Aberdeen goes from strength to strength. We are appointing four new post-doctoral fellows as well as two new professors this year as our world-leading department continues to flourish more and more.

This summer will see a Professor or Reader in Church History (with a focus on the Reformation) appointed as well as the Regius Professor of Humanity (a position in Christian Late Antiquity here in Aberdeen) as part of the Principal’s Strategic Investment posts.

These posts will allow the reestablishment of Church History and Historical Theology as a serious and significant aspect of the research and teaching of Divinity at Aberdeen, and our new senior colleagues will join Dr Isa Ehrenschwendtner (our Medievalist) and Dr Ken Jeffrey (who is moving further into modern church history with his work on modern missiology).

Alongside these prestigious posts, the department has decided to invest in early career colleagues, seeking to offer the brightest and best recent PhD graduates their first rung on the faculty ladder. Having appointed Dr J. Hewitt (PhD Edinburgh) in New Testament and Dr Daniel Pedersen (PhD Princeton) in Systematic Theology to work alongside Dr Katie Cross (PhD Aberdeen) in Practical Theology, this summer will see two further post-doctoral appointments—one in Theological Ethics and another in Natural Theology/Philosophy of Religion (part funded by a bequest for the Gifford Committee). Our most recent past post-docs (Dr Leon van Ommen and Dr Katie Cross), have themselves been appointed to lectureships in the department.

Alongside these new posts, the beautiful, historic buildings in Divinity are having a makeover. As well as the university’s work on the lecture theatres in King’s College, the department is having a £60,000 make-over to provide faculty and students with an environment to work in which reflects the international stature of the department.

Professor Greggs, Head of Divinity, said: ‘This is an exciting time for us a department. We are thrilled to have such support from the school and the university, and I am honoured to be leading a world-leading department through this important time of strategic investment and expansion.’ 

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