Funded PhD Opportunity: Antarctic Palaeo Climate

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Funded PhD Opportunity: Antarctic Palaeo Climate

Applications are now being accepted for a funded PhD on “Climate at the onset of the Antarctic ice-sheet growth: a detailed analysis of ice-buried glacial cirques”. This PhD project will utilise high-resolution surface and subglacial topographic data from the Antarctic Ice Sheet to identify and map glacial cirques beneath the current ice sheet. Cirque metrics will be extracted with state-of-the-art GIS techniques and cirque glaciers will be reconstructed and analysed in order to shed light on the palaeoenvironmental and climatic conditions prior to the onset of ice sheet expansion.

The supervisory team, which consists of Dr. Matteo Spagnolo (Geosciences, Aberdeen), Dr. Iestyn Barr (Environmental Change, Belfast), Dr. Rob Bingham (Geosciences, Edinburgh), and Dr. Brice Rea (Geosciences, Aberdeen), has a long history of collaboration and a long standing interest in glacial geomorphology and landscape morphometry.

The successful candidate will have a suitable Undergraduate and/or Masters Degree qualification equipped with quantitative skills in Earth Sciences, Physical Geography and/or Physical Sciences. The PhD is funded in full by SAGES (Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society) and the School of Geosciences -University of Aberdeen for UK/EU students. Overseas students are also welcome to apply, but they will have to cover international fee differential (around £10k per year).

The deadline for applications is Friday February 10th. The two best candidates amongst all applicants will be interviewed in Edinburgh between the 21st-24th February, 2017. Recruitment will be co-ordinated by the University of Aberdeen. In order to apply, applicants should send a CV (including 3 references) and a covering letter to

For further details, please see the full description. For more information, please contact Dr Matteo Spagnolo.


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