

British diplomat and local archivist among those honoured at summer graduations

A British diplomat, the Vice Principal of the Royal Society, Aberdeen's city archivist and a renowned theologian will be honoured by the University of Aberdeen at this year's summer graduations.

Calculating the value of NHS outdoor spaces

Researchers from the University of Aberdeen have been awarded a Fellowship to investigate the value of outdoor spaces in NHS sites.

Scotland's capercaillie population offered extinction lifeline

Researchers might have solved the riddle of how to save one of Scotland's most iconic protected species from eating another.

The Conversation

The Conversation

The University of Aberdeen is a founding partner of The Conversation UK. See below our academics' articles and opinion pieces on various topics of public interest.


Witch hunts early example of profiling

Dr William G Naphy is a Professor of Early Modern History at the University of Aberdeen specialising in the Reformation and social control   As Halloween approaches, the perennially popular witch costume will be donned by guisers across the country. Images of witches have appeared in various forms throughout history—from evil, wart-nosed women...

Getting to the heart of the matter

Professor Dana Dawson is from the University of Aberdeen’s Cardiology and Cardiovascular Research Unit and a consultant cardiologist at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Can you die of a broken heart? For those unfortunate enough to have experienced it, it can certainly feel like that. I am part of a group of scientists researching...

You are when you eat - how time of eating influences body weight

Did you eat breakfast this morning, or skip this meal to rush to work, or to sleep longer? If you don’t eat breakfast, is it because you don’t feel hungry and can’t face food first thing? If you prefer to hit the snooze button for a longer sleep, or choose to...

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