Page 8 of 1271 to 80 of 115 Past Events
Computing Science Mini-Workshop "Perspectives on Text Readability"
-A Mini-Workshop on Perspectives on Text Readability Speakers: Hitoshi Nishikawa (NTT Media Intelligence Laboratories, Tokyo) - Learning to Generate Coherent Summary with Discriminative Hidden Semi-Markov Model Tadashi Nomoto (National Institute of Japanese Literature, Tokyo) - Exploration in Memory Based Topic Detection (Or Concept Generation with Distributional Semantics) Itsumi Saito (NTT Media Intelligence Laboratories, Tokyo) - Morphological Analysis...
Cafe Scientifique Inverness - Can Computers Think for Themselves?
-Coffee and a slice of science at Waterstones Eastgate Centre Inverness.
Cafe Scientifique - Family Day Special
-Get the whole family together for an afternoon of fascinating, hands-on science.
Computing Science Seminar. Pipes on "Emerging Technologies at IBM"
-Abstract: Based at IBM's Hursley Labs in the UK, the Emerging Technology team works with clients to bridge the divide between new technology and mainstream software products. The team combines direct customer experience with innovation and first-of-a-kind technology to produce solutions that solve real business challenges. This talk will introduce the...
Cafe Scientifique - Danger High Voltage!
-Learn more about inventor Nikola Tesla and enjoy a thrilling demonstration of a Tesla coil.
Prof. Shieber, Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Survey: Synchronous grammar applications in language processing
-Abstract: Concluding the series on synchronous grammars, I describe how synchronous grammars, and in particular probabilistic versions, can be applied to a variety of natural-language processing problems such as generation, machine translation, and sentence compression. Bio: Stuart Shieber is a Professor of Computer Science at Harvard University. His primary research field is computational...
Prof. Shieber, Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Seminar: What's so great about compositionality?
-Abstract: Compositionality is the tenet that the meaning of an expression is determined by the meanings of its immediate parts along with their method of combination. The semantics of artificial languages (such as programming languages or logics) are uniformly given compositionally, so that the notion doesn’t even arise in that literature....
Prof. Shieber, Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Tutorial: Synchronous Grammars Introduced
-Abstract: Just as grammars are formal models of languages, synchronous grammars are formal models of relations between languages. They have applications in natural-language interpretation and generation, machine translation, sentence compression, and other areas. I will introduce and motivate the design of synchronous grammars, showing how a particular base grammar formalism, tree-adjoining...
Royal Society of Edinburgh inductee Prof. Barbara Grosz on "Health Care Coordination and Health Literacy: The Need for Smart Multi-agent Systems"
-Distinguished Visitor: Prof. Grosz will be inducted at the Royal Society of Edinburgh as a Corresponding Fellow The RSE has 1600 Fellows, of which 66 are Corresponding Fellows. Prof. Grosz will be the fifth woman Corresponding Fellow. Abstract: I recently argued that Turing, were he alive now, would conjecture differently than he did in...
Chemistry Departmental Seminar
-Dr Jan-Willem Bos (Heriot-Watt University)