Computing Science Seminar. Gray and Runcie on "Data Tables and Logical Inferences"

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Computing Science Seminar. Gray and Runcie on "Data Tables and Logical Inferences"

This is a past event

Abstract: Many people fail to realise the variety of situations that data tables can represent, and also what we can infer from them.  A recent paper in AIEDAM Journal (Gray, Runcie & Sleeman (2015)) includes a description of how many  kinds of table used in describing Configuration problems can be used efficiently in inference and constraint solving. Such tables may even contain values of coefficients used in sets of formulae (i.e. not just properties of objects), which led to a crucial improvement in finding solutions to sets of constraints.

Bios: Peter  Gray  is  a Professor Emeritus in the Department.  His bio details are available under Biography tab on the website:

Trevor Runcie is an Honorary Research Fellow at Aberdeen University, having completed his PhD in Computing Science in 2008. He also has a B.Sc (Engineering) and an MSc (Artificial Intelligence) from Aberdeen University. Trevor has over 25 years of commercial IT experience and is the owner of a specialist software company “Agile Knowledge Management Limited”. His main research interests are in knowledge management, constraints, engineering design and ontologies. He is currently investigating the use of constraint solving techniques to optimize oil well drilling and manpower scheduling.

Peter Gray and Trevor Runcie
Hosted by
Adam Wyner
Meston 311