Computing Science Seminar. Caminada on "A Discussion Game for Grounded Semantics"

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Computing Science Seminar. Caminada on "A Discussion Game for Grounded Semantics"

This is a past event

Abstract:  We present a discussion game, based on the concept of strong admissibility, where the ability to win the game for a particular argument coincides with the argument being in the grounded extension. Our game is an improvement to the previously stated Standard Grounded Game (SGG) and Grounded Persuasion Game (GPG) in that (1) it requires a number of steps that is linear w.r.t. the strongly admissible set that is being constructed, which is unlike the SGG where the required number of steps can be exponential, (2) whenever an argument is in the grounded extension, the proponent has a winning strategy for the game, which is unlike the GPG where winning the game may depend on the cooperation of the opponent, and (3) the game has a number of features that make it more in line with human discussions.

Bio:  Martin Caminada has as main research interests formal models of human argument and argumentation as a form of nonmonotonic reasoning. In 2004 he obtained a Ph.D. in computer science with his thesis "For the Sake of the Argument; explorations into argument-based reasoning". From 2004 to 2007 he worked at the Utrecht University on an EU-funded project called ASPIC (Application Service Platform with Integrated Components). From 2007 to 2012 he worked at the University of Luxembourg on two argumentation-related projects (AASTM and LAAMI), being the main author of the associated project proposals. Since September 2012 he is working at the University fo Aberdeen, on methods of making machine reasoning understandable to humans. Martin's publication record includes AAAI, IJCAI, AAMAS, ECAI, AIJ and JLC. He has supervised several PhD students, and has given a Master course on argumentation as well as tutorials at places like IJCAI, ESSLLI and EASSS.

Martin Caminada
Hosted by
Adam Wyner
MT013 (35)