Computing Science Seminar. Eiter on"Towards a Logic-based Framework for Analyzing Stream Reasoning"

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Computing Science Seminar. Eiter on"Towards a Logic-based Framework for Analyzing Stream Reasoning"

This is a past event

Abstract:  The rise of smart applications has drawn interest to logical reasoning over data streams. Recently, different query languages and stream processing / reasoning engines were proposed in different communities. However, due to a lack of theoretical foundations, the expressivity and semantics of diverse approaches was given only informally. Towards clear specifications and means for analytic study, a formal framework is desired that allows to characterize their semantics in precise terms. Inspired by this, we present ideas on a logic-based such framework, which features rules and window operators that provide a flexible mechanism to represent views on streaming data. We briefly discuss some complexity issues and relationships to stream query / reasoning languages, in particular capturing of the Continuous Query Language (CQL). This work is part of an ongoing project funded by the Austrian Science Fund.

Bio:  Thomas Eiter is a professor at TU Wien since 1998, where he heads the Knowledge Base Systems Group (KBS) and the Institute of Information Systems. Among his current research interests are knowledge representation and reasoning, computational logic, and declarative problem solving. He co-chaired various meetings, most recently KR 2014 and the Vienna Summer of Logic, the largest event in the history of logic. Eiter is an ECCAI Fellow and Corresponding Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and current president of KR, Inc.

Thomas Eiter
Hosted by
Jeff Pan
MT013 (35)